I am celebrating my 26th of Birthday. Therefore, I am giving away some amazing prizes, so I am inviting you to take part in my Birthday Lottery, which takes place on May 1.-7. Good luck with the lottery, and happy birthday to me!
NB! You can play only once per day, between May 1.-7 2023. You are not allowed to use fake emails for the purpose of getting more chances. Dishonest players will be disqualified. The limit will reset at midnight in Berlin/Europe time. The chance to win something is 50%, so if you play every day, there are chances you may win something more than once during this campaign period.
Your e-mail address in this campaign will NOT be used to send marketing content. It serves the purpose of contacting you in case of a win or sending you related information regarding your participation. Your email address will be saved in my database and will be erased at midnight. See the Privacy Policy notice. My T&S will apply as well.