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My travels schedule

  • Tallinn, Estonia (only outcalls)
    Jul 29 - Jul 31
  • Stockholm, Sweden (only outcalls)
    Aug 01 - Aug 05
  • Tallinn, Estonia (only outcalls)
    Aug 06 - Aug 31
  • Helsinki, Finland
    Aug 23 - Aug 25
Travel plans can change any time. Request your destination »

Travel wishlist

Add your destination to my travel list roadmap and get the possibility that your city will be the next destination on my travel plan for next month! Remember, you can vote only once per IP every month!

  • Type or select the city name. Only the cities listed in the dropdown are possible to travel! If your city is not listed, select the city near you.
  • Your email here is mandatory. You'll get also notified about my next destination based on user choices.
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.
Quiz Still not sure? Need more confidence? Click here to take my Quiz and find out if we match! »

Important! Everything you should know when booking me this summer.