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My availability and prices in the summer 2024

Due to the events and planned activities for summer 2024, my availability and prices vary on different dates. In this article I consolidate everything you should know, when booking me this summer.

Events and availability in July 2024

In July 2024, I have two travel plans.

  • On Jul 09 - Jul 10, I'll be in Freiburg, Germany, available mostly for advance bookings. I take also INCALLs!
  • On July 18- 23, I'll be in Cologne, Germany, for the ColognePride. During my visit, I will also be available for bookings. However, due to the very intensive program and the demand for booking requests, I strongly recommend booking me in advance. Please note that I do not take this time INCALLs in Cologne. Clients can book me for OUTCALL at no extra cost (only within Cologne city).
  • During Berlin Pride week, July 23-28, my rates are higher due to the high demand for booking requests. My hour rates between July 23-28 are the same as what I charge on weekends and holidays. I do not take INCALLS and overnights during Berlin Pride week. Clients can book me for OUTCALL at no extra cost (only within Berlin city).

Please note that in July 2024, I am almost fully booked in Berlin. There are only a few days left I can take and those days I take only regular hour bookings. Please ask me for detailed availability directly.

My availability in August 2024

In August, I'll be on my annual summer holiday in Estonia. I'll fly on July 29 and return back to Germany on September 1. Here is what you need to know:

  • During my summer holiday this year, I visit two cities: Stockholm from Aug 01 - Aug 05 (Stockholm Pride) and Helsinki from Aug 23 - Aug 25. In Stockholm, I take only OUTCALLs (at no extra cost, within the city), and in Helsinki, both IN & OUT (within the city). As always, when I travel alone, I do not take overnights. Ask for the information about the price directly from me.
  • The rest of the time in August I am mainly in Tallinn. During this time, I am available for bookings Aug 06 - Aug 31, but please note that most of the days are already planned and fully booked. So the chance to book me in Tallinn is very small. However, should you have a date in mind, let me know and we see if it works.

During the summer holiday in August 2024 I am unable to ship my Fan Shop used clothes until I am back in September 2024. All orders will be processed then first when I am back. Digital products and services, such as instant video purchases and OnlyFans content creation will remain intact. Also during my summer holiday, I am not reading my emails and messages often, so my answers may delay. I thank you for your patience.

I am sorry but booking me for overnight this summer is no longer possible because I am fully booked on all nights. I will take overnights again in September 2024.

Happy summer and pride for everyone! ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜

Your sweet boy Rihard 💎

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Important! Everything you should know when booking me this summer.