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A clear explanation of my pricing during my travel plans in 2019 and 2020

As of 2019, I have changed the pricing terms of my travel plans in 2019, as well as in 2020. In 2018 when I announced my first destinations after I started to work as an escort, I had fixed rates almost to all destinations. So, as of 2019, my terms have changed. Pricing is now depending more on the country where I travel, and the time when booking is placed. In this blog post, I will explain to you what has changed and what to expect in 2019 and the coming year 2020.

As developing my business daily-bases and understanding better how I would feel happy and motivated in providing my services, I have developed more transparent pricing, which is in one hand fair but on another hand also best to me. Considering that traveling is not always an excellent way to make the best profit, I still offer the chance for my clients to meet me in their home country when I'm traveling abroad. To make it possible also in the future and keeping the motivation to offer the best services, I had to change my pricing terms earlier in 2019. That means, I have stopped offering the fixed pricing and established the new - more versatile pricing model, which is now depending on the destination where I travel as well as the booking time.

According to my updated Rates page, rates may vary in my trips, starting from 120 Euro to 200 Euro per hour when I'm abroad. To know what are my prices during my trip, please contact me to ask rates from me directly for the corresponding trip.

Local economy and cost of the living

The first and primary factor is, of course, the local economy and cost of living level. It is not logical that I can charge in every country the same hourly rate, while the level of escort rates in one to another is very different. For example, the average hourly rate for the high-class escorts in the UK is £300-400 (according to the public local escort agencies and directories). Hence it is about 350-450€ per hour, while in my hometown Berlin (Germany), it is average only 120€ (up to 300% less) that escorts are asking from their clients per hour. Although it is essential to keep in mind that no matter where I travel, my appearance, as well as the level of service, does NOT go down or up based on the country where I visit. Therefore there is no reason to keep my rates low or higher according to the country where the escorts are charging local rates, providing the same services that I do.

Business and professional expenses

My purpose is not to overcharge my clients. Instead of providing quality service for a reasonable amount, considering also my expenses and budgets. Such expenses are, for instance, hotel stays, flights, and other corresponding costs I need to carry out to come to your country. I will never charge from my clients more than it is necessary. Understanding that providing the best service is my priority, I cannot usually take more than two clients per day. Since I stay in the city usually only 3-4 days maximum during my trip, I want to make sure that I stay in budget. But at the same time also be able to find motivation and capability to offer the maximum quality of service (wherefore the income would cover my expenses and bring some profit). Providing the best service consists of many things, for instance: which hotel I choose, how convenient it is to reach my hotel for my clients, and how long I can stay so I would be able to provide more flexible dates during my stay. To make it possible, I have to adjust my rates.

Time planning

There is one more thing to keep in mind in my new travel rate policy: The timing (the time when you place your booking). If you book me in advance, you'll always get a better price. For advance bookings, I usually offer 20 Euros cheaper rates than bookings that are placed spontaneously. This pricing term applies only to my travel plans. I offer my clients more competitive prices for the advance bookings because it helps me to plan and organize my stay if reservations are placed in advance. Often it is almost impossible to book me during my trip because my trip is not only for the business purpose but also to have a lovely, stress-free holiday. Therefore the most active period when people can book me is before the expected trip. In 2018, my pricing was the same for both: advance and spontaneous bookings. It depended only on the age of the client. My new rate policy is not making a difference any longer in the age of the client. But the time when the booking is placed.

The conclusion of my new travel rate policy

Hence having now the understanding of the reasons for my pricing changes, we see that providing services abroad is not the same when I offer services in my hometown. Therefore the rates might be higher on my travel plans, defined in the new rate strategy. My hour rates in my home town will remain the same as long as I will not announce the changes in these areas.

Keep in mind that it is possible to come to your country and being motivated to offer you continuously the best service only if I raise my rates according to your country's living expensiveness.

The new rate policy does not apply to the private trips requested by the client. Overnights during the trips on my own are not possible, if not specified otherwise.

Some examples of the rates that I charged this year from my clients according to the new policy:

  • Munich, Frankfurt, and Cologne: 120 Euro when you book me in advance, later 140 Euro per hour;
  • Amsterdam: 140 Euro when you book me in advance, later 160 Euro per hour;
  • Brussels: 120 Euro when you book me in advance, later 140 Euro per hour.

Upcoming destinations in 2019:

  • Dublin: 140 Euro when you book me in advance, later 160 Euro per hour;
  • London: 160 Euros when you book me in advance, later 180 Euro per hour.

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Useful to know!

On this link - https://www.numbeo.com/cost-of-living/comparison.jsp you can compare the cost of living and it's indicators (Cost of Living index, Cost of Living Plus Rent Index, Groceries Index, Restaurants Index, Local Purchasing Power...) for two cities supported by the dataset of https://www.numbeo.com/. It is a useful tool to see the difference between my location (Berlin, Germany) versus your location, understanding how big is the estimated difference in my rates.

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