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Expenses that we do for our clients

Today's topic is about the expenses that we do for our clients. I have thought a long time, does the escort job is only about getting paid and doing nothing else? Well, thinking about business, the escort business is business that you have to involve sometimes money. For example, we do expenses for marketing to get more clients. Or we have to spend sometimes money to buy supplies that we use to provide services to our clients. These expenses are something we have to carry from time to time, and we are going to discuss them now in this blog post.

Escort business is a diverse business

So, talking about the expenses, what expenses escorts are doing then? To get more clients, it can be sometimes more challenging. In our field, we conquer as much as other companies, but the good thing is that we all escorts are diverse and unique. The good thing is: as long as you are young and beautiful, or you have some other features (that our clients valuing from us), you will always have the clients. Moreover, the question is about the way you manage to find your clients.

Maybe you have wondered sometimes, that escort job is all about getting paid for the "easy money." Well, we do get paid without having physically hard work on constructions, for example, but we still need to work hard to get better results. That sometimes requires motivation as well as money. There are many various expenses we can classify, to work as an escort, and provide the best services. Starting from the mental preparations, as I have also noted in my previous blog posts, till physical work and thinking smart.

Administrative and professional expenses

The one expense we do for sure is marketing. Here is the thing: most escort sites also provide free advertising. But they will not bring you as many good results as when you pay for it. The marketing is, if not saying otherwise, the most essential thing in our escort job, because that is the start of everything. If you put your ads in the right place and you want to upgrade to get better visibility, you have to pay for it, just like I do. Although, needless to say, but I also pay for the tools to process bookings and maintain my website. Funding for the lawyer to make sure that my ads are complying with the local laws. And hiring the tax consultant to fill up the tax form and do the accounting. These expenses we call "administrative" or in other words, "business" expenses, and we pay for them mostly from our escort salary.

Service and business expenses

Talking now about the service expenses: these are the professional expenses, and we cannot classify them to the administrative one. They are, for example, transportation tickets for the outcall and rent payment to provide incall service. Buying supplies, such as condoms, lube, massage oil, and so on, are also the expenses that are typically "included" in our rates. Plus, as part of my escort service, I provide cold and hot beverages for the start of our companionship. The incall service, no matter the cost of outcall, such as transportation, tends to be more expensive. Especially for the overnight callings. For instance, we have to carry on cleaning expenses. If you live just alone, you would probably not need to clean as much as if you have clients over every day. But especially for the overnight callings, we have to also do the laundry, right after our client is leaving. Because we would like to sleep in the clean sheets.

When expenses for the beverages are not so big deal for us, then cleaning our appointment is something we have to deal with often when we have more clients. Especially during the fall and winter, when there is a lot of dirt everywhere outside. Sometimes clients are not removing their shoes, or they forget to do so. That's why I keep them to remind them that they would do it. I need to reduce the expenses that I do for hiring a cleaning service in the end.

Legal expenses

The legal expenses are tax payments and paying for the accountant. These expenses we have to pay for the government and deducted from our income. I would say, in Germany, they are the most expensive expenses we do, if we work here legally.

So as you see, we have quite a lot of expenses we do for our clients. The estimated salary we earn from our clients that we can use for our own entertainment (called so "free money") is approximately around 20% of the total income. The bright side about escort expenses is that we can share some of the costs for our own needs, too. For instance, the transportation tickets that we spend to be able to do outcalls, we can also use for our private trips. And the entire apartment where we live alone to do incalls, we can use to have more privacy and invite friends or family over. Or the condoms and lube we have for clients can be used for our regular date (for instance, finding a partner and protecting yourself against the diseases from sexual intercourse).

The most expensive for us is traveling

As now I have discussed a lot about the regular escort expenses, but I found out that the most expensive for us, as escorts, are traveling around the world and making clients. We often say that we combine these trips with the holiday trip. Going to another city on your own and making clients, involves expenses such as plane or train tickets plus hotel accommodation. Only these expenses have an impact also on my rates. So that's why I sometimes increase my charges when I am traveling. Otherwise, my prices will remain the same as long as the booking occurs in my town where I live.

The cheapest for us is to travel

The cheapest way to save the budget is to travel for the client abroad. And you know why? Because going to the client should look just like the regular outcall date. When we date the client, we should ideally come back with the zero cost of anything. Our appointments with the client should cost us nothing as long as we are together with the client. There are some things, of course, that I will not charge my client, is my personal items such as souvenirs and cigarettes, for instance. If I am a smoker, it will be the expense that I do not ask from my client. Because it is fair that "your bad habits" are not the client's responsibility. So, as a result, the outcall private trip abroad is for us as escorts the cheapest way in a matter of cost. But for clients, the most expensive form of getting service from Escorts. And that's because we also get fed and entertained by our clients.

So what do you think? Is escorting is something you would consider to do? Or have you ever wondered to know what you pay for the escorts? Leave me a comment and let me know!

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