Hey folks! Great to have you again onboard – this blog post is the first post in this year! So let's go and start the new year with the brand-new topics! Today's topic is focussing on something that almost every client is facing when they book an escort for the first time: "how much time do I need?"
So I thought a long time ago to write this post, as I believe it helps you to go through some ideas of the timing that suits best for you! Of course, every person is different, and this post is designated to express the pieces of advice from my perspective. I have worked as an escort now over two years (wow). Time is going fast! Two years is, in my opinion, sufficient time to give some advice, based on my experiences. But again, this post is only from my perspective and created to introduce you to some relevant solutions if you are new in this, and you consider to book me. It is, of course, best to discuss the best timing advice with each escort individually, but if you already need some ideas, grab 'em here!
To wrap up the topic, I have included the illustrative photo of the timing advice below. I know it might be a bit awkward to ask from the boys the exact time suggestion. Surely they will tell you that book me for a longer time (which means in escort side also more money). I would like to introduce you to some things that you might want to keep in mind if you consider booking an escort. Let's get started!

According to my client feedback, 50% of the clients were answered that time was very sufficient, 27,27% responded that it was about enough, and 13,64% said that it was a little too short. So what could be the reason for sufficient and insufficient feedback results?
Booking an escort can be an addictive hobby
Based on my statistics, most clients are booking me for one hour. And we do not need to make hard math for that! Booking an escort could be addictive, but it is also a more expensive adventure than you would spend on other activities on your daily or weekly bases. We are mostly talking here with hundreds of euros. So if you went to the haircut appointment, in most expensive cases, you would spend up to 60-70 Euros, if you don't need an exceptional haircut. But booking an escort would cost you two times as much as you would spend on your fancy hair. Or as double as your weekly grocery expense, based of course on how much you eat. So it's kinda a unique entertainment, uh?
Is an hour booking sufficient to book an escort?
The hour length is sufficient for clients who are looking for quick and uncomplicated fun. But booking just for an hour cannot be possible when you do it on professional agencies, because they often have the time rule limit minimum for 2 hours. They just don't want to call boys out for every single hour, plus it does not make sense to keep business professional. Boys in the agency tend to be companions, so you might wonder why you would need then two hours instead if you can make your needs done by booking just an hour?
An agencies just don't want to call boys out for every single hour, plus it does not make sense to keep business professional.
Booking for longer will be cheaper, here is how
Booking for one hour gives more flexibility, plus it is also budget-friendly for clients who cannot afford to book escorts for a longer time. That's just for your convenience, but in my business, it does not mean that clients can have then more intimate time. As my terms say clearly that I am a companion, then my time always starts with pleasant conversation and getting to know each other. So the negative side of the one-hour booking is that you don't really have time to do a lot. Only getting to know each other takes an average of a quarter of the total time. So an hour booking isn't a great deal for clients who are looking for a more relaxed and stress-free time. Especially it is not a recommended option for clients who have problems to reach orgasm because time would really push you forward.
getting to know each other takes an average of a quarter of the total time
My recommendation would be in this case, then book less frequently, but for a longer time at once, if the money matters for you. Here is why: It would be cheaper for you to pay more at once and have more time to get satisfied than book less and have more stress. Unless you are not super horny on bed, it would be the best solution for you! But I have had an experience that even one hour is too long for them because sexual performance for each client is different, and some can get high in the first 10 minutes. Still, some they need an hour or longer to get high.
Clients who were booked me frequently have switched from the initial short-term booking to longer. Sometimes it might be possible at the appointment to do it when I have no other reservations ahead. But sometimes I have to ask them to come back another time. So the best way is to book initially longer, rather than less, and you can make sure that you have sufficient time, even if in the end you find that time was more than enough. Our job is very chaotic and some days might be quiet, some days busier. So even we cannot predict which days we are more or less working.
Does the callboy or callgirl play a role in the best and suitable timing length for you?
There isn't a specific formula for each escort of how long is the optimal time for the first experience. I guess in most situations, you have to trust your self-intuition. Not all companions may enjoy the conversation part of the time, so they prefer straight ahead to jump on the bed. But some escort may need a longer time to get adjusted with the new people. So people are different, and it is difficult to define on which boy is best for which length. But I guess if money doesn't really matter for you, just go for a longer time at first, and then see how it works for you. There is always the way to "escape" and pay in full (even for the unused time) if something does not work out with you. I guess most of the escorts would be happy with that resolution unless they really care about their business in the future. It is not easy to say no, I understand. But somewhat a horrible ending than an endless horror. I haven't experienced that there were clients who switched their booking for a long time to shorter. The most common scenario is that clients are changing from shorter bookings to longer ones. Then they just keep longer bookings in future reservations.
How much time do you need to book for dinner dates?
If you want to also have dinner with me, then one or two hours might be a definitely too short time for us (unless two hours would be the only dinner). Some popular restaurants may even require a longer time to wait in the queue to get a table, despite if you have a table reservation made in advance. For instance, one time, I was waiting with my client 30 minutes to get the table, which would already be 25% of the total time, if you made the booking for two hours. He made the booking with me initially for 3 hours, but even for then, the time for us was too short. We ended up without dinner when our reservation was already lasting 2,5 hours, so we technically could have time for other things only for 30 minutes. The restaurant where we went was about 20 minutes to drive from my home. So it was already 3 hours when we approached. Therefore he wanted to extend our booking for 4 hours, instead of 3-hours. And imagine now if you were booking me less than three hours! What a mess it would be!
running out of time is just a matter of the person who you book or the person who you are
Or another example with the client who booked me initially for 3 hours. We did get along with us so well that the first two hours went so fast that we did not even notice that. We had a long intensive conversation at dinner with various topics, and we found that it was charming. In fact, the restaurant was just downstairs at his hotel, we spent the rest of the hour in his hotel room, but it also went that fast that he ended up booking me for 4 hours! These are just examples of timing. As I already mentioned before, every escort is different, and running out of time is just a matter of the person who you book or the person who you are. If both have a good connection with each other, then it is only a matter of time that will run fast! I also had situations when the client was booking me an entire overnight. Then I was asking a question to myself: Why he needed me for so long? Because that was not intended to have quality time with each other, instead, the intention was the question of quantity. I have told my clients that I follow the principle: Quality over quantity.
What about if you are a beginner and have no experience?
Booking me for more than 2 hours is also best, especially for beginners. Why? Because even in the fact that I try to make it best and stress-free as possible, the client itself might feel uncomfortable in the first hour and needs more time to explore chill and fear-free. There is really no reason to feel any fear, but sometimes we just develop it in ourselves. And after having a pleasant conversation and starting with small but easy steps, we both (and especially newcomers) can feel much better. But after all, it takes time, and it's really a pity if time runs out at the time when the inexperienced client feels the right vibe to make the fantasies real. That can also create an unintentional wrong impression and even more fear in the future. And in the end, it is your contributed time and money – don't waste it for short term bookings. Instead, use it wisely!
booking me for a full evening or overnight helps me also feel functional and flexible
There is, of course, clients who are looking for the real boyfriend experience. If you want to have a short romance, the best option is to book me for a longer time. Honestly, booking me for a full evening or overnight helps me also feel functional and flexible. I never set my timer when I expect at least one overnight booking, so it is less "transactional" and more "human"-being experience. Just like my friend is coming over or you going to visit your friend. If you want to do some activities together and learn more about me, then overnight is an excellent deal for you. Moreover, clients who are booking me for more than one night can get a day with me at no extra cost! So you can enjoy time to go shopping, do fun activities together, and so on.
Booking an escort is a contribution to something great that you will have lifelong
I had a client who booked me for the entire week. After the week, he said: "You know, I already miss you." On top of that, he said that from now on, some songs remind him of me. So not only that, you will experience a good time at the very same moment. You will also have excellent, lifelong memories that are never too much for one human! Life is too short to waste it; instead, it is too short to not miss a kind times that you will carry entire in your life. So when you make such an expensive effort, remember that it is not less worth than you spend money on your holiday trips, which could be fun too! But don't forget that booking an escort is also a financial contribution to something that you will carry your entire life. Just like you do when you explore the world or when you have a partner. You look back for the great, unique experiences.
As today is Valentine's day, I wish you now all the best for that day, whether you spend it with your friend, lover, family or with an escort! Remember, your boy next door is just in few clicks away – make a booking today and get the best time of your life that you deserve! 😉