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Is being the first client of the day is an advantage?

Over time I have sometimes received a message from my potential clients, having a desire, or requesting to be the first client of the day. For some escorts, the first client of the day can mean the "morning client" or for some escorts "the afternoon client." It all depends on how escorts starting to take their first bookings and how it is adjusted along with other bookings. But is it really matters, if you will be the first client or not, and if so, then how much you would be advantaged of that?

What is it like being the first client of the day?

The primary purpose behind this question is the quality of service and performance that clients are expecting when they ask to be so the first client. We usually think that when we wake up and start the day, we hope to have more energy as being relaxed after sleep. And at the end of the day, we feel tired and have less power than we may think it has an impact on our service.

In my experience, having the first client of the day has some advantages if the bookings considered to occur at the right time. And when its in the right length. So how these factors are influencing the benefit of being the first client? And is it always good to be the first client, no matter when is the early booking and duration? Well, let's go across to these topics.

Choose the time of the day wisely

First, it is essential to remember that being the first client does not always give you the guarantee of getting the best service. The best booking time plays here a role. Let me give you an example.

It is Friday night, you are eager to spice up your weekend and book a guy for Saturday morning at 10 o'clock. Your dream boy knows how boring it is to stay alone at home on Friday, even though he has booked the next morning. But he understands well that he also has a personal life. And without going out and getting refreshed, he would not feel emotionally well the next day. But he needs to take also his clients, and there is no reason to say no. He would be tired after getting back late and sleeping only a few hours. In fact, the client thinks that he is the first client who will be benefited from the well-rested body; he actually doesn't. Or alternatively, so young boys like to sleep longer and more like night animals. So they are functioning better during the night, and in the mornings, they are dead in mind. So their body is not "waken up" yet, and they cannot provide you an excellent service.

Honestly, I'd like to sleep a long, so mornings are the worst time to book me usually. Neither it's good to book too late as some days are quite busy. So what would be then the perfect case and solution?

Pay attention to the booking length

Clients who are demanding to be the first clients of the day have to make an effort, not just expecting to be the first client and thereof get the best service. Human body capability depends on the lifestyle mainly, not always about the time. Some escorts they feel in the mornings, some of them in the afternoon or in the evening. There are some escorts who I personally know who start to make their bookings in the afternoon.

There is, of course, no precise rules of each escort, how many clients they take every day, and/or how long they take maximum or minimum hours. But surely no companion would say no for the vast amount of well booked hours. The right amount of hours also means a better income, right? And also being busier. And if there is a better income, there is less needed to "work hard." So the key is that if you are the client who is potentially the best booker, you'll be probably the first and in some cases, the only one who gets to meet an escort. As a result, the most extended booking client can be, in most cases, the first and the only one during the day, so he will get benefited from that. If you only book the minimum time, escorts may take other clients before or after you, to accomplish their daily budget/limit goal. But also to have more fun. For companions who are self-employed as full-time employers, have to think about that fact really carefully, if their income comes only from the escort business.

How it works when I travel on my own?

Sometimes when I travel somewhere to another city, clients are rarely asking to be the first client on that entire trip. What does that mean? Of course, not thinking to be the first client every day, but the day of arrival. Somebody has to be the first one anyways when it comes that I start taking my first clients on that day. Naturally, it is not possible to fit other clients on the day of arrival and arrange with them the booking in my departure or home city. So being the first client during the private trip is possible, but the question is timing when the booking is placed. Then more popular is the escort. Most likely, he or she will get fully booked in no time. And there are fewer and fewer possibilities to be the first client. In the worst cases, there is no possibility to book at all. That's because the "fresh meat" comes to town (the person has never seen before).

Conclusion of that topic is the following:

Being the first client of the day is indeed a privilege if you consider some facts. Because we all are so different, the timing to each individual escorts depends on so many factors. In most cases, if you like young guys, the best time to be the first client is probably around the afternoon, and the worst time is early morning or late evening. In escort agencies, the callboys and callgirls are well organized, and they get paid either based on the booking amount or fixed price. In that last case (which is rarer), they can switch each other and work with the shifts, so they all get clients equally and don't have to worry about getting "tired" at the end of the day.

For males, especially, the client amount and client type play a significant role as they have to take some extra effort (being high all the time). The way how escorts can boost their capability is many. They can either choose which clients they want to book or what services they offer. Or what supplies they use to increase their performances (for example, drugs that improve your sexual performance) and how many clients they take. Also, it depends on the lifestyle of a particular guy (how much he sleeps, when he sleeps, what eats, and how much workout he does). The first client of the day plays more role for the escorts who are full-time escorts, as their performance is not depending on non-escort related activities, such as having the other (second) work. So they are directly depended on their clients and booking amounts.

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