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The year 2019 in summary

Thank you, 2019!

My first year in Berlin is about to end, and now it is time to look back to 2019 and ask myself: How I did this year and what I could do better in 2020?

In January 2020 will be exactly one year since I moved to Berlin. A lot has happened in the year 2019. I've met a lot of new people, by the time some of them became my stable clients, some of them I've met abroad, and some of the clients book me time by time in a certain period. It is remarkable that in 2019 I've built in such a short time - only within the year - a stable and good relationship with my former and current clients. I have established a good client base with whom I look forward to the meeting also in the future.

The year was challenging but exciting. The dynamics of my clients were very much different. Some clients were my stable clients time by time. At the beginning of the year, there were clients who I've been in contact last year and met finally in Berlin. There were clients with whom I've met in the second half of the year. And who became my stable clients after that. Some of the clients I lost, but most of them I won back.

I learned a lot from the year, and I adjusted my business terms regarding what I've learned and experienced. It has changed a lot since I started in Berlin. And in many aspects: my rules, my attitude, the principles of how I offer my services, and so on. In fact that it is not my first year in the overall escort business, it is definitely the year when I learned most of it. Although, compared with 2018, living and working in Berlin had much different experience than back when I was in Estonia. And not only because Berlin had more clients, but also the fact how sex-work business here is organized and how society accepts it.

To be more precise, it is impressive how I've met my other colleagues in this industry and how I've learned from them. Earlier this year, I had experience with my colleagues while I was with my client. But in other perspectives, I've got to know a few of the escorts also in corporate events, such as meeting discussions. We, as sex workers (or companions), are regular people just like everyone. We have our personal life, hobbies, some of them are studying and working as an employee too. Escort job means for many of us as a part-time job and entertainment.

Year in business, all wrapped up

So how was my year of 2019? In this update, I wrap the year in business. Including all the stats I have from my clients and from my experiences with clients. I have concluded every aspect of my business in this post, so you can see how I have progressed and how the year was so far to me.

Timeline of the improvements I've made this year:

  • In January 2019, I started to take my first clients in Berlin. In the same month I also introduced my brand new business rules and terms that became effective to everyone;
  • In February 2019, I opened my official Twitter account, where you can now keep in track with new tweets and essential notifications. In the same month I also moved out of my temporary apartment to the permanent residence;
  • In March 2019, I registered as a sex worker in Germany. In the same month I started to promote my services also on jock2go.eu website;
  • In April 2019, I improved my website and booking system. I moved my website to the new servers and changed the registration approval system;
  • In May 2019, I were proud to introduce my brand new escort logo - a diamond in the purple background;
  • In August 2019, I started to complete my travel plans and travel to other cities. My first destination was Munich, Germany;
  • In September 2019, I announced my first travel destination in 2020, which is Rotterdam Netherlands!
  • In October 2019, I became a member officially in BesD - an association of sex workers;
  • In November 2019, I completed my last travel destination in 2019 - Dublin Ireland;
  • In December 2019, I started to promote my services on the Sleepyboy.com website.
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Log on to the members area to see more of 2019!

My stats with 22 illustrative diagrams, including Client satisfaction, my experience with clients and personal logbooks, poll results, and more are available for the logged-in members (see the example below).

Oops! You have no access to see more. All the stats, including Client satisfaction in 2019, my experience with clients and personal logbook, poll results and more are available at the one-time cost of 100 Euro. If you are interested, please send email to [email protected].

What is included in the paid access zone?

Stats of client satisfaction in 2019:

  • My appearance and look (overall, how would you rate my appearance? How accurate are my pictures? How do I look in real life? Do I look younger or older than my current age?);
  • Service quality they received (Overall, how would you rate the quality of service you received? Did you felt relaxed during our date? Was the time amount sufficient for you? How would you rate overall the attention youreceived from me? How would you rate overall the friendliness youreceived from me?);
  • Other companionship related feedback (Would you recommend me to others? Was the price worth of it? Would you consider a book to me again?).

The reasons why potential clients were not booked me this year.

There are many reasons why clients who never met me in real life were not booked me but were in communication. I highlighted some of the reasons.

My experience with clients, my clients in 2019 (secret revealed!)

  • Most requested services by my clients;
  • How did I feel with my clients? (companionship and ambiance);
  • How attractive are my clients, in my opinion?
  • How likely would they book me again, in my opinion?
  • The personal logbook entries from my client dates (exclusive!).

My clients (and potential clients) – who they are?

At the end of this year, I launched a poll and asked more about my real and potential clients. Like who they are, what they are doing, and so on. The purpose was to get to know and have a better picture of my actual and potential bookers. So here are the results.

Already client? All these data from 2019 are available to my clients for free! Contact me to get access.

Client satisfaction in 2019

What are my real clients thinking about me? I have included all the stats from my clients with whom I had an actual date, and here are their impressions of our meeting. All these data are from my customer satisfaction survey. Each client, after the appointment, has the chance to rate my companionship quality that includes two aspects: my appearance and the service quality they received.

The survey data was submitted anonymously and voluntarily and outputted based on the 19 customer responses. So let's get into the numbers!

My appearance and look

The look of the escort you book is vital in the escort business. Clients must also be attracted visually somehow. Most of the clients are looking first the guy itself before considering to book. Some of the clients even don't care if you are an excellent companionship partner. In this section, I show you the results that are related only to my appearance and accuracy of the photos.

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My appereance

Optional comments about my appearance from the clients (unedited):

  • Just stay as u are
  • Rihard is very soft and smooth and smells absolute gorgeous
  • Little more weight than i expected
  • i guess you gained some weight?
  • Beautiful, handsome young man with a very fit body.
  • Rihard, you look so damned good!!!!
  • :* you’re super cute and you have a hot body

Service quality they received

Now we are going more further, and I show you the results of my service. Service, besides the attractiveness, is essential too. Especially for some clients who are seeking their very first escort experience or first same-sex experience. This year I had lots of inexperienced clients, and some of them have had no experience at all, even not with females! The service itself is especially important for beginners, as you must know how to act. For example, how to develop the conversation and which topics are appropriate to discuss. How to go with the flow, how to understand the client's needs, and so on. This experience comes, of course, by the time, and not all escorts are expected to be as professional as they could when they would work more time with clients. Working now two years in this industry, I still learn how to become a better companion with my clients and understanding their needs!

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Service quality

Optional comments about my services (unedited):

  • Your relaxed behaviour in any situation was very nice. There was really no uncomfortable situation. The services you offer were clear from the beginning. I'm not able to find negative things after our meet.
  • I really enjoyed the time spent with you.
  • Rihard made me feel very welcome from the first to the last minute
  • Simply amazing
  • It was great to see you again 🙂
  • in my opinion its not fair that the conversation time is full part of the date; in general people meet an escort to have sex ; it would be fair to say that from the beginning; most people have friends they can talk to; to intention to date an escort is different and i think obvious
  • a little lmited and technical - like this survey 🙂
  • Great, but I was a little nervous and a bit unsure to ask about your boundaries. Hard to explain in a text box!
  • I would really like to spend more time with you... especially the quality time
  • Just good

Other companionship related feedback

The customer satisfaction survey also contained other business-related feedback questions, which I conclude in the following.

Price Worthiness
Price Worthiness

What did my clients liked most:

  • The whole boyfriend experience itself. You had a natural behaviour and a warm character. There was always a topic to talk about and you showed interest. The best thing was that you made me feel safe when your arms were around me. That was a moment of real peace. Just like a boyfriend.
  • How you manage to create a special atmosphere and your tenderness / softness and intensity at the same time.
  • Time spent with rihard was a perfect boyfriend experience. He is easy going and somebody you want to spent much more time with.
  • Honesty and simplicity...
  • your passion and your style
  • You are thoughtful and intelligent
  • I like the most your being open and giving boy friend experience. Besides this I love your orgasms a lot!
  • Your smile

I also asked them what did they not like about me:

  • That unfortunately the date ended. I want more ))
  • Nothing really
  • Sorry. Nothing to complain.
  • no shower before date - not clean while being fucked my wishes i was asking before the date were not meet at all
  • Nothing
  • I really don’t know what I don’t like about you.
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Reccomendation and price

One client of a total of 19 survey participating clients was answered that service was not worth, and he replied as a reason (unedited):

no cumming - even i was asking for it several times

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Considering booking me again

Concluding the customer satisfaction results for this year, most aspects show positive trends. Negative feedback compared with positive feedback is much smaller. My companionship overall rating this year was rated to 4.33 out of 5, based on the survey feedback.

Review Example

Did you know? The widget on the site footer shows since December 2019 the stars from the overall customer satisfaction survey. It shows the star rating, concluding appearance, and service quality ratings together.

What are the reasons why potential clients were not booked me this year?

There are many reasons why clients who never met me in real life were not booked me but were in communication. I highlighted some of the reasons.

  • About half of the potential bookers were not satisfied with my price. There are still clients who are expecting in Berlin the escort date below 100 Euro or have a shorter appointment for the negotiated rate.
  • About 20% of the potential bookers were not satisfied with particular service restrictions and service terms. These are, for instance, negotiating the safe sex policy - having bareback or oral sex without a condom.
  • About 20% of the other potential bookers were not satisfied with the services I offer. Some clients wanted to be the only bottom, and therefore no guarantees were given to them for the particular service.
  • About 15% of the potential bookers were not able or not anticipated to communicate in my spoken language. That happened, especially among the German native speakers.
  • About 5% of the estimated potential bookers did not book me for other reasons. For example, not sending photos, not proving myself to be real, rejecting access to private content, not willing to provide the phone number for the reservation, and so on.
Booking Again Not
Not booking reasons after the actual appointment

My experience with clients, my clients in 2019 (secret revealed!)

Now let's analyze how I felt with my clients and what are my personal impressions from the client meetings. Since April this year, I recorded all my client meetings in one place and created an individual survey. The recordings since then have been private and visible only to me. I have also included the booking information for my future reference. So in case, I have a client who is booking me again after a long time, I can get a picture of him like who he was and how I felt with him on our last date. Initially, I did not plan to make it ever public. Still, since I removed all the booking related data, I thought that I could make it public once a year. Such clients like YOU would actually understand what I have been thinking about our date. Or from appointments with other clients. That might also help you to learn and understand us better.

Since April, I have recorded 125 entries! The recordings are based on "how it actually was." So there might be some angriness as well as joy in these records. All that I have I have included here from my personal logbook. Note that these stats are based on my experience with clients, not client experience with me.

Most requested services by my clients

Before we get to the logbook entries, let's peek into the stats and see which services I have offered most this year.

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Services in 2019
Services Offered
Services Offered

As seen on the graph, the most trending service for this year is oral intercourse as being active. Clients have also requested much time to give oral sex (being bottom in oral sex). The third most requested service this year is anal (as passive), of course. Not so popular, but still counts towards this year stats is strip dancing and fisting as being active. The density of fisting is small due to the safe sex policy, that fisting without glows is not permitted. But we also see low trends in role-playing and in anal sex as a top. Role-play trends are influenced by my service policy, which tells that any role play and fetish games are under the extra service charge. So we see that most big trends are from the services I offer in my companionship at no additional cost or almost without any limitations. Expect anal sex, and on some occasions, oral sex as well. Oral sex is the bottom is still not required with the condom, while it is as being top.

How did I feel with my clients?

Companionship and ambiance
Companionship and ambiance

As seen in comparison with companionship between ambiance, the maximum density of the fellowship provided by clients is much higher than the ambiance with my clients. The maximum frequency of friendship is about 10 times higher than the ambiance, and the companionship is 60. In contrast, the ambiance maximum density is about 50. Hence I had better times with clients in communication rather than feeling with them well on the bed.

How attractive are my clients, in my opinion?

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Client attractiveness

The attractiveness of the client I measured by the following:

  • Not attractive at all: Stinky, not washed, not good body shape, small dick, hairy, glasses; everything that is opposite of my preferences.
  • Not attractive: Not stinky and not washed, but everything else that is mentioned previously.
  • Okay: Neither good looking and unattractive looking. Dressing appropriately, taking care of himself, but not visually attractive and would not be my taste.
  • Attractive: Looking good, taking good care of his body, sexually attractive but not the perfect choice.
  • Very attractive: Everything is perfect. Good looking, good body shape, good conversation, and so on.

The graph shows clearly that most of my clients were "okay." However, there were really handsome clients in my opinion too. We can see that booking an escort as nowadays ideology "entertainment of the not attractive clients" is not correct. Because I had 18 attractive clients and 2 beautiful clients so far. Of course, compared with other numbers, it is small, but it still counts. As a result, escort services are not only for ugly mugs but also for clients who are seeking perfection and a good time with excellent service.

How likely would they book me again, in my opinion?

Let's now see the results of how I have thought about getting returning bookings in the future from the clients I've met.

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How likely clients would book me again

These input values are recorded based on the expression of my client at the end of the meeting. For instance, I recorded the input "not sure" from the clients who have said no compliments after or date, neither any complaints. For those who said compliments were recorded to "most likely" or "very likely." And those who were complaining, these clients were put in "not very likely" or "not likely at all."

14 out of 125 recorded clients have brought me also a welcome gift, which is 11,2% of the total clients I have recorded!

The personal logbook entries from my client dates (exclusive!)

Now let's get into the cake and see what I have written in my own logbook since then. Here what my thoughts and comments were in 2019 (unedited):

  • He is American and we met in Berlin in his hotel. He said that he had previously boys he met frequently and they were also in Berlin. He is traveling to Berlin occasionally. One of the boys moved to Mallorca. He is very friendly lad, working as a lawyer and been also judge in States. He is from Denver. He showed me how he is watching the cam show of the boys. In the end of our meeting we had a deep discussion about the money investment because he thought that escorts like me are millionaires in Berlin.
  • The overnight with a client was not the most worst one, but definitely one of the worst ones. First of all, he let me wait 15 minutes outside (it was cold - in December), then he told that he was in spa. He wanted me to come to spa but we did not went there. He stayed at Axel hotel, in Junior suite (just to comment that Axel Junior suite looks like normal standard room). The start was not awkward and he asked me to come closer to him immediately. I felt already uncomfortable. Then I asked what we should do and what is his plans for tonight. He said basically “sex, drinks, sex, sleep, sex”. In fact, we actually did not had drinks and bars at all, it was all about being in his hotel room entire night. Okay we watched at least movie so it was fine. I helped him to find the parking app and then we went to sleep. The good thing about the appointment was that I had to come 22 o’clock instead of 21 o’clock so one hour later than usually my overnight starting time. And the good or polite thing was at least that he offered me a breakfast. Oh, and okay he also gave me 10€ tip. But that’s all. It was stress with him after all.
  • He invited me previously to gay sauna but I denied. We met at my place and we got to know each other. Then we started with showering and later with massage. He said that I’m his second escort and that the first escort was transsexual with a very small penis. So he was not satisfied about his penis. When I gave him a massage, he asked if I can do the erotical massage because he thinks that the massage I gave him was like a “medical one”. He said about his blood pressure that he needs to use viagra to get hard. But he cumshot on my leg in the end. And I came on his face. He is working with homeless people and currently married with women. He have 5 children’s which one is died. When we talked about this, he got bit sad.
  • He moaned a lot when I kissed and touched him. His dick is pleasing when it comes to an anal sex.
  • He is from Kyiv Ukraine. We met during his stop in Berlin on the way from Barcelona to home. He said how he fucked girls in sauna and he came already like 6 times. We had two times fuck and he came both times, so like 8 times after me total (including girls) during that day. He asked first if he could pay with MasterCard because he was almost out of cash. So he spent almost his last cash on me. He said that I was the best of the day and I’ve beat all the girls he met. He wanted to stay in touch when I come to Ukraine.
  • His cock was bit “tasty” - means not clean. So I had bit unpleasant moment to give him oral sex. He said that I am the only escort he paid so much and in his opinion it’s best not to book escort who is not keen in kissing.
  • He had never experience with boys at all. It was very first experience for him. His apartment stinks little bit. And water sink didn’t work. But he is friendly and generous guy. We drank beer and he offered me pizza for food.
  • We met in Dublin. He doesn’t get very hard so it was difficult to cum him. He is married with 34 years old guy who is living now in Vienna. He is retired now for 10 years. After our date the room was very messy.
  • We met in Dublin. He had previously fraud booking from Cologne, this time everything went well. He didn’t cum, but overall we had nice, relaxing time. I suggested him next time to book me longer, for 2 hours.
  • He is discreet. Having wife. We met in Dublin
  • From London, we met in Dublin. First he asked if we can have more time (before real interaction). We had an idea to have some drinks in bar. I said I cannot but then decided that I actually can. I left him still chance to decide it on the spot. He asked me to fuck him (surprise!). I said I can try. Then when we met I mentioned that on my profile it stands I’m vers BOTTOM. He apologized because he didn’t looked at. Not sure where he found my ad and if he actually paid attention on it at all. Anyways, after 10 minutes (approx) he said he needs to leave, he doesn’t get hard. So he paid for my hour and left. There was not even much communication. He just sucked my dick.
  • He is nice and polite. I said that fisting is not okay. He asked if I like kissing, I said that kissing if fine but not French kissing without extra payment. He offered me additional donation. He is versatile, like to do both. He asked if I cum today already. We met in Dublin.
  • Hi likes to sniff my socks
  • He is funny and humorous guy. We had lots of fun about joking his weaknesses, like being super shy. He absolutely dislikes guys who are screaming, dressing like women and generally acting very gay. He said how he met a guy through the webcam streaming service and how he developed deep feelings towards him. He likes guys who are doesn’t act like a girl or being feminine. For instance, he asked many times how many Parfüme I have and asking questions like how many shoes I have or do I have strange girl-behavior lifestyle attributes. He said how he actually never had a intimate experiences with boys before and how he was in relationship with a girl two times. He works in social system, helping poor people to fulfill their financial needs. In general, we spent good time with each other. Before sleeping time, we tried to find some bars that were already closed by 1 o’clock (on Saturday night). He is uncut. It was very difficult to get him cum.
  • He thought that companionship (conversation) is not included in my service so the one hour was really tight and rushy. He is black, dominant guy.
  • We had booking for 5 hours, entire time we lay on bed and relaxed. He said he never had experience with boys. He came several time with some interval. He is coming fast, literally in less than a minute. Little bit oral and he already came. Like that 3-4 times.
  • He is a nice person. First, he booked me for one hour, then we were together for a while and he asked me to extend it for two hours so we can have a more relaxing time. He wanted to give me also a massage. Our total time was 2,5 hours, which I gave 30 minutes for free so he could cum too. That was an exception because he was nice and everything between us went well. He came while I fucked him. His boyfriend is a singer in choir as well as me. We found some common things to discuss. He was happy that I gave him a little more time. I explained that it is for me important to make him happy. So quality over quantity.
  • His fetish is to be on top of me, while I knee on the floor or relying on the bed. He doesn't speak English very well, so we had a difficult time in our communication.
  • We met in Brussels. He is working at the EU office, as a translator. He wanted to book me because of his sexual life and relation with his boyfriend, in general, is not good. Talking about his boyfriend is a very sensitive topic for him. He wanted to book me to find a replacement for the "boyfriend experience" that he is missing from his relationship.
  • He was very friendly and nice. Salesman, 70 years old, but in good condition. He said how he invested money in other boys and helped them to start new life. He helped one guy to open the bar but then explained how he spend all the money to cambling. A client liked me a lot and he asked little sensitive questions like about my boyfriend, if I have one and why I don’t have because I am sooo handsome. He wanted definitely to meet me again and again and perhaps next time to invite for the dinner.
  • He was visiting from near Hamburg. We had a great time.
  • His fetish is tight skinny jeans. We met during his trip to Berlin for football match. His base cities is Dresden and Leipzig. He is an accountant.
  • We met in Amsterdam. He already left me a good review on RentMen.com 🙂
  • We discussed a lot about various topics. He seems to be smart and educated guy, liking classics, art and culture. So we had some things in common! Our other activities were not so long and little spent overtime.
  • We met in Amsterdam during my trip. I had problems with the PayPal. Generally was good. He is friendly and appointment went fast. We did not spend full hour. He have also boyfriend, he said that he is NOT in open relationship and his boyfriend doesn’t know anything about our date. They were together already 25 years and they met first in the club.
  • Everything went smoothly. I gave him tips and suggestions where to hang out and where to go for clubbing. We discussed about the fetish club in Berlin called “Laboratory”. I gave him my magazine “Boner” that are distributed for free.
  • I tied him up on my bed, using the robs that my previous client brought me. First we had one hour date, then he wanted to extend it so we spent total two hours and almost entire time he was on my bed, tied up and enjoying time, being the guy who I would do everything I want. He wanted me to tease him and not let him to cum till very end. He likes power orgasm.
  • I was in his hotel room. He lives in Berlin but had rent a room because his home is renovating or something under repairmen so he stayed temporarily one night in a hotel. He had little problems with moving (little disability). He wanted me to fuck him (he said he is more too by the way) but his ass was not so clean to fuck so I just came on his bell. He did not fuck me. In the beginning I had tea with him and he made PayPal payment that did not processed in my booking system (because he did not press the back button). So we deal with that about 10 minutes till it was success.
  • This time we tried first time the role play game: I tied him up and “punished”
  • He was nice and friendly. Very polite too. We talked about an hour and he said that he born and raised in Stuttgart but moved to Shangai (China). His outfit was remarkable: Red pants and red socks. He said that he have a “budget list” (a checklist) of the activities he would do in his life time. One of the tasks is to meet an escort, so he did. This was his very first escort experience (but not first experience with the guy).
  • First we met he were very suspicious. He wanted to make sure that I’m alone and seems like he was really afraid of me. We did not talk much (he was also a bit late) and we started with massage. In the beginning he seemed to be nervous and not relaxed. I told him to not stress and calm and relax down. After he went to pee, he became more chill and relaxed. From first, I thought I’m not actually his type but during the intimacy he gave me compliments many times about my cuteness and my sexy body. He tried first time to book me in Frankfurt but it was too late and too spontaneous so we met in Berlin during his business trip. His ass looks sexy by the way (I almost felt like I want to be a top!). 😃
  • His fetish is oil on body. We had nice and smooth date. He is polite and nice person and contributes a lot for the nice conversation.
  • We met second time. He started to kiss me right when we got to elevator which was annoying. I told him to stop and wait till we get to elevator. Then he tried to do the erotical (French) kissing during our service which I denied and told that this is extra service and not included in my base rate. He is very skinny and his bones are very sharp which made me feel time by time uncomfortable. We did not had much conversation. He was late 10 minutes to our appointment because he misunderstood that he have to text me when he arrives. So he waited me already at the door.
  • I felt very uncomfortable with him. He started to complain that I am not top but on my profile it is written than I’m Vers BOTTOM and we did not confirm if I could fuck him or not, before our date. So instead of booking two hours he wanted to stop and then ask back 200 Euro. I explained him that it is not fair because he did not paid attention on my profile information (not talking even about reading my rules and terms on my website) and we did not confirmed anything like that. He said that “that’s why he wanted to call me” to confirm but actually it is mentioned that I do not take phone calls and all my clients are equal in this matter.
  • He sent me previously donations via PayPal and we were not able to reach us because his email blocked my incoming emails. So finally we met because he used my priority contact and provided me his phone number. After long time trying to reach each other and meet, we did! He is friendly but sometimes felt like little silly. 🙂 however, I liked him and we ended up in our last night about deep topics and we become really close to each other. First time when I shared even my personal email and my (real) name. He wanted to have also my address so he would send me a gifts from USA. He is from California and we met in Munich during his trips to everywhere. We went to Octoberfest and had a crazy time on roller coasters. Last night he was very sad and cried that I had to leave. 3 nights and 4 days went fast and it seemed at the same time like a week (in sense of quality).
  • It was again very nice to meet that guy. He gave me very good feeling. We had shower together and in the end I gave my xxl condoms to him. First time he offered me a drinks and made me want to feel like at home. Second time I gave him a suggestion go some clubs on Thursday night as he wanted to meet guys, since I had to leave to Munich for the client trip. He showed me the “disturb” label from the gay hotel called “Alex”. That meant that if they put this on the door, it would be sign that “you can come in”.
  • He had problems to hear me so I had to talk with him loud. Day later he had a trip to Finland! So we also talked about the trip. Generally he is shy and quiet, not so talkative. About services he did not quite told me what he likes so sometimes I had to ask if he would tell me if he wants something particularly to have.
  • We had shower, he is super friendly and nice. Very gentle and he liked me very much. He is keen to meet me. In the end, he wanted to buy my xxl size condoms 😂
  • When we met, he changed quickly his mind and asked if we can be done, without doing anything. I tried to ask if he is okay with me and he said yes, but in the end he pointed out that I look older than on my pictures. So instead of 2 hours booking I left after spending around 15 minutes with embarrassing feeling and feeling that he was disappointed.
  • He said how bad experience he had with escorts before
  • We had shower together. He have a boyfriend
  • He had small dick, icc 🤭 but he was super friendly, nice but very shy.
  • He used agency before but he said that there were lot of young boys who were not so experienced and professional. He likes professional services. Generally he was quite quiet during our companionship.
  • He over-stayed a bit. Anal sex was not successful, probably because I got fucked before his date. He is doing his driving school.
  • He was a passionate fucker, he fucked me like half of the total time. He said he is bi, his first sex with male was in Berlin. He LOVES to receive a nipple play, this is his control point. I had to touch all the time his nipples. In fact that there was not much companionship conversation and talk, I think we were both satisfied and fine.
  • Absolutely awful experience. First of all, he smokes inside the hotel room, all his towels and personal items are all around the floor and absolutely dirty. In fact he had shower before, he was totally indifferent and not very friendly. Demanding, typical British guy who doesn’t learn the culture. He wanted me to have hard cock but after explaining what turns me on, he denied to offer me that. He was not very talkative from the beginning, so we had to jump right to the bed to please him. He did not said what he wants, instead of complained that I don’t get hard. His first compliment inside elevator: you look older than on pictures. And then few minutes later: you look beautiful (?!?). Don’t know if it’s was sarcasm or compliment. Ah, and then he complain that I don’t want to have anal sex WITHOUT condom. I hope I won’t meet such clients like him. It was very stressful experience for me.
  • He is old. I felt uncomfortable with him because at the start of our date he laugh a lot which made me feel not great. He were disappointed that I did not suck him without condom.
  • He did not like a oral sex with condom because he precummed. He offered me to wash his cock but I denied. Then he complained that time was too short and conversation should not be included. I felt very bad with him in the end. The start was good.
  • We met at Zoho Hotel Berlin. He just arrived to Berlin right before we met. He smoked in a hotel room (!!) which was for me surprise. We enjoyed the rest of the night.
  • We had threesome with another escort. It seems he liked us but we were not really what he expected in action. He wanted to be humiliated and dominated but we were not able to be successful. Also the problem was that I did not had any sleep a night before and I felt very tired.
  • He doesn’t speak English at all. Very hard to communicate. Then in anal (passive) he tried to have sex without condom. It was hard with him on bed because he got soft and then hard and then soft again. We had problems to find a good position to fuck and so on.
  • It's sometimes difficult to understand him. We are often arguing about the escort job and in general. He doesn't understand many things. Although he is very generous about money, he has also difficult psychology.
  • He always likes to talk a lot. We often have issues that I cannot stop him talking and then he overused the time. Otherwise he is a good companion and he likes me a lot.
  • He books me frequently. I like his companionship because he is always so patient if we spend more than one night and I need to do my “office work” plus he is very flexible with our plans. He likes to find activities that are fun to do but he is super sexual. Every time when we are on bed he is touching my cock and trying to make me horny and then he needs to cum on several times every day. We had minimum sexual stuff at least three times on every day during our date. Our date lasted 4 days in total which involves 3 days with this reservation.
  • First I had impression that he is arrogant. When we met, he was very open and even offered a financial support. He is rich, have a huge and luxurious apartment at Kurfürstendamm Berlin. He had desire to book me for overnight but we had only three hours booked and I wanted to keep that, despite that we had good time. He loves classic music. We had bath in his luxurious apartment. He seems to be like really rich. He offered me also to travel with him for one week.
  • We had very short last-minute date at his hotel (~ 20 mins). He is super friendly and nice, provided me money prior our date.
  • He did not get shower so I recommended him next time to take shower before we meet, because he smelled sweaty. We spent only like a 20 minutes or so, he fucked and left. He does not precum. In our date, he was late. He almost cancelled extraordinary his date which made me almost angry. But then he came and did not cancel.
  • He was bit late. A client who is precuming a lot. He did not like the idea to have oral sex with condom. Speaks English well.
  • He is cumming fast
  • He always gives me money first when he comes. The client has booked me already the third time. At this time, the date was a bit uncomfortable as I could not fall asleep because of his touchings and stuff. I am looking forward to seeing him another time and see how things are going. Generally, it was good. We had an overnight date, and he took me to the center, and we watched an outdoor film about German history.
  • He is lawyer. Very friendly and talkative. He liked me a very very very much and instantly made another booking request for even longer time.
  • He don’t speak English. We tried hardly through translator app to communicate each other. So far as I understood he is working as a police. He intensively tried to approach me very spontaneously. I gave him just 15 mins to prepare myself. In our chat before I date him he tried at least 3 times to negotiate my hourly rate 120€ which lead me to the situation that I wanted to decline his booking request. However, I made up my mind and met him regardless the fact that I felt bit unsecured with him at the beginning of chat. Then during our date he was disappointed because I did not blow him without condom, since he precum. I told him that sorry but that’s my rules. Then he asked AGAIN to negotiate my rate by saying “we did not had anal sex, lets make it for 100€”. I demanded him to pay my full rate. He did not had exact amount of money and i did not had any change to give him change. So he paid me 117€ instead of 120€ and I was fine with it. Overall I think his only concern was that I did not give him unprotected oral sex. But he liked my body.
  • We had threesome with other escort first time. The other escort has a HUGE cock and he fucked me. The client itself seemed to like him. He jerked of twice a time. After first time his cock started to bleeding. I felt very nervous first time and I did not get hard. He asked us to cum on his body of face but we did not.
  • He booked me second time. I forgot that first time he left me a bottle of vodka that was leftover from our date. He is very energetic and talkative. We went to a Radio bar next to my house and we had two beers.
  • I was late to our overnight appointment around 30 minutes. He first wanted to change the booking for one full day (15 hours) but I said I already had plans. In fact, that it would be not even possible to let him take whole day for just 400€. We had in our date quite good start. He bought me a gifts and we went to McDonads because I was hungry. He said he have also an escort but mostly he is just traveling with him and they are good friends to each other. I slept in his hotel. In the morning he seemed to be a bit disappointed because I said that overnight is over when I wake up. We had breakfast and then little fun. He asked me to cum in the morning but I said that it’s not possible anymore since I also want to be horny for other clients on that day and I need to take more bookings. I asked him if he wants me to cum the night we were together. But he said it’s not necessarily.
  • His boyfriend (or husband) is asexual so he needs to book escorts occasionally
  • He said that his escort who he book usually when he comes to Berlin is on holidays currently so he booked me.
  • First time I missed him because of my fault (I slept in). Second time I offered him discount because of my fault. Everything went well. He was happy about the discount and service. Promised me to leave a good review.
  • I felt very relaxed with him. He always stays at nhow hotel. Then we have a nice walk around, some beers and chill. Although that he don’t speak (or at least he thinks so) very well English, we have always a perfect communication with him. I’m always willing to tell him my dreams and how I like to visit German cities. The fun fact is that it’s not even necessary to touch his cock. Just on underwear and then he cum easily. Very soft vanilla. He works hard and as he says, he feels stressed (but doesn’t seem like he is stressed). I think many Germans they work hard. Anyways, that’s my story. We had second date and it was an overnight date again.
  • The companionship quality was very good. In the end he asked if I do travel also with a client and he asked to have a selfie but unfortunately I did not agree to have a photo with him for the security reasons. Seems like he were very interested in me.
  • He is nice guy. Despite the fact that he is not speaking English very well, he seems to be very friendly and talkative (at least trying to be). Had a great time.
  • It turned out that he needed a top boy. Obviously I am bottom so I warned him several times. He were disappointed that I asked to use condom while I offered blowjob because he precum. I think I was a bit disappointment for him. I encouraged to read profiles and rules next time he books an escort. He said that he generally don’t like to pay because he never knows how it would be in real life. We had anal sex which was successful. He said he have very small experience with the guys.
  • He made another booking straight away. 🙂
  • He was very demanding before we scheduled a meeting, but everything went well in the end.
  • He booked me already third time
  • It was my second time with this client. We did almost everything (and everything) that is possible in my companionship.
  • He have a husband (married). He booked me for two hours with the hourly rate of Euro 140. We spent time at my place and within two hours we did not have ANY sexual and intimate time (wow!). He left bit earlier than expected.
  • I felt sick on the day when we met. I had headache so I had difficulties to get hard. He asked if I get hard, but I said it depends on him and I need some time because I have a headache. He said that I should warned that to him earlier. We basically did not spent a lot of time before we went into action.
  • I found in text message (SMS) history that he previously did not arrived to appointment on time. But it was too late because I noticed it in very last moment when I was about to arrive to appointment. We met right after I recovered from the illness. Everything went well in our appointment. He seemed to be satisfied. The place where I offered him a service was very interesting: it was in his car office, we went downstairs. In the end of our time (which was just 30 minutes about) he said: “now you know that I’m not fake”.
  • My first threesome with clients. They were super talkative and friendly. I had great time.
  • He was late like 15 minutes. Then he were too strong with touchings and anal sex
  • He was nervous
  • He booked me again. We met previously on my own trip to Berlin last year in June, when he came to my place. In this appointment, I came to his place (for free). He liked me a lot.
  • He kept me telling how different I am compared with my pictures. He thought that my profile on HUNQZ says that I am 18-19 years old but I explained that I am 22 as my profile says. First he said that I look different than on pictures. Then he said that I am not so slim. However, it turned out that he looks REALLY slim guy but I am average in his opinion. Anyways, we had good time together. We started with a beer in his hotel in Schöneberg (Ibis Hotel Red) and then we had some fun and then we went on a dinner. He booked me for 2 hours. We talked everything, about his travels and boyfriends. He asked if I know someone who would be interested in him. He said that maybe he will book me again next time for the dinner and conversation. Not sure if I was his type. He showed me also the pictures about the guys he met before (by the way, they looked really cute!). I also showed him my ex-boyfriend. Generally was a nice date but little stressful about his feedback about my appearance and look.
  • Very friendly and polite guy. We went to walk and then eat döner. He had troubles to speak in English
  • Working in Bank
  • He had some difficulties to speak English. Overall okay, but still didn’t felt right. He explored my body, had said he never had experience with males. We discussed about his favorite pornstar Paxton Wards and he reminder me that I am cute as much as he. I got many compliments but somehow I didn’t felt that we were in comfort zone.
  • From Italy (Sicilia), born in the USA.
  • He have this costume fetish, to wear special costume and act in a special way (like dancing, strip dancing) to him. He likes to fuck. Last time I ask (I think first time) to put condom on because of the precum he had. He is doing his driving school and beside taking a singing lessons with a private (Italian) teacher at 50€.
  • He scared me off first time we met. First he looked like a drunk and then he asked weird questions. I was about to prepare that he is not even paying but he did fortunately. We had long conversation but at the end, I did not like him. He was bit crazy. In the morning he left without saying even a goodbye.
  • Was nice client. He invited me for the beer afterwards. Working medical, from USA. Lives in California.
  • He is super humble and nice person. Very friendly, talkative.
  • He had stressful day, we were not succeeded. I had too tight ass
  • He offered me a beer
  • From Cologne
  • He suggested me to go to university but he did it in friendly way. Also he said he stopped smoking but when he saw me smoking he were tempted to have one from me but by then I was out of cigarettes (I had my last one)
  • He said he would book me again. Massage was good
  • We had a lot of jokes about “automaton” ha ha. He is funny guy, interesting and we had a nice dinner together.

My clients (and potential clients) - who they are?

At the end of this year, I launched a poll and asked more about my real and potential clients. Like who they are, what they are doing, and so on. The purpose was to get to know and have a better picture of my actual and potential bookers. So here are the results.

Which of the following categories best describes your employment status?
Employed Full-Time
Employed Part-Time
Not employed but looking for work
Not employed and not looking for work
Which of the following best describes your current occupation?
Advertising/Public Relations
Business Development
Business Opportunity
Consumer Goods
Customer Service
Human Resources
Job Search Aids
Law Enforcement/Security
Professional Services
QA/Quality Control
Real Estate
Restaurant/Food Service
Skilled Labor
What is your age?
Under 18
65 or Above
What is your current status?
You define yourself as..?
Not sure
Have you had any experience with escorts before?
Yes, one time
Yes, few times
Yes, a lot of times
No, not at all
Have you met me before?

Time to thank and say goodbye to 2019

What amazing stats we got this year! To finalize and conclude my post of the summary of 2019, here are some more stats of the activity in my business in 2019:

  • More than 400+ tweets on my official Twitter account! (since February)
  • More than 200+ new signups on my website;
  • And 33 individual blog posts this year!

WOW, these are the numbers!
I wish you a happy new year and see you in 2020!

kiss, Your sweet boy Rihard

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