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I am changing temporarily my pricing starting from 01.04.2022

Due to the lack of time and high demand of booking requests, I have decided that I change temporarily my pricing, starting from 01.04.2022.

The recent events in my life have had a big impact on my availability and time, therefore finding the time for the new clients and bookings is at the moment disrupted. While I do not have such thing as a "waiting list", the booking possibility stands on the principle of "who is faster".

The recent weeks have brought me often abroad, which means that I do not stay as often in Berlin as before. Some personal events in my life have influenced strongly my time and ability to continue working in my normal schedule. Therefore, as I do not have much time and I contribute at the moment for the bookings that have a better value, I must adjust my pricing accordingly.

The new pricing starting from 01.04.2022 until further notice will be the following:

  • 1 hour (regardless of the day): 140 Euro
  • Overnight (regardless of the day): 600 Euro

All discounts and extras as listed on the pricing page, remains intact and does NOT change.

The following pricing changes does NOT affect clients who:

  • Have made before 22.03.2022 confirmed booking for the future with the agreed price;
  • Are either on my Silver or Gold client status (clients with frequent bookings) and DO NOT have the reduced (old) price bookings more than a maximum of one time in a month.

For the updates regarding my availability you may find on my Twitter channel @yourtwinklover, subscribe to my newsletters (at the bottom of this website), or check occasionally my Website. The information about upcoming availability may appear with short notice. Please accept my apologies. Click here to see more information about my availability.

Since comments are moderated, they do not appear on the site until they have been approved. I am not responsible for the content posted by users. Comments must be on-topic and not abusive. Criticism is allowed. However, personal attacks against me will not be permitted, and any criticism should relate to the article in question. Do not post spam and affiliate links. Please do not ask for information about my services and/or my availability in the comments. I reserve the right not to approve your comment if I find it does not follow the good commenting practice.

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