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My availability during the holidays in 2023/2024

New Year greeting 2024 Rihard

This year, I will be traveling for holidays to Estonia to visit my family. Due to the Christmas and New Year holidays, I won't be available for regular bookings between 20.12.23 and 02.01.24. My last booking day in 2023 will be on December 19.

However, I'll be available for online entertainment with limited capability. Although I am flying to Estonia on the evening of December 22, ordering non-virtual items from my Fan Shop will be possible on the last day of 19.12, as the delivery and order preparation may take some time. The order process will be guaranteed before Christmas if you place your order on the latest 19.12. However, order delivery may not be guaranteed within the time frame as promised on my page due to the Post Office opening times during the holidays. I recommend checking the official websites of your postal delivery service to inform yourself about the expected delivery.

Although my Christmas and New Year holidays officially end on 02.01.24, I'll not be available from 02.-08.01.24, as the client already booked me for that period. So, based on availability, the first possible day after the holiday and in 2024 would be for all other clients on January 8, 2024.

Response time to messages during the holidays and client booking period may take longer. Priority Contact service is still the fastest way to reach me, even during the holidays and/or client bookings.

I wish everyone a sexy Xmas and thank you to everyone who made my 2023 year sparkle. I am looking forward to the new, amazing, and sexy adventures in 2024.

Whether at events, traveling, or in bed, your twink lover Rihard is always there for you to entertain and offer you the best time you ever deserve!

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