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My “members” policy is changing, please read this!

My website yourtwinklover.escortbook.com has changed a lot. It's always the place where clients can find useful information and start from there to the appointments. So it is an important place for me and truth source to find a piece of relevant and useful information.

Without my members, I would not able to build so stable client base that is now over a year! I have learned through experiences, how to make things better, but on the other hand, make them also friendly and safe to myself. So I had to bring a new update that will take effect today, on March 4 and applies to all current and existing accounts that are registered on my website to see the "private area".

What has changed?

Starting from today (March 4), my members are no longer able to see my private are. They have to extend their membership in order to get re-activated. It is easy to understand if your account is active or inactive if you try to log on and the login is not successful. That simply means that your account is not activated or deactivated. Everything will remain same, except one thing that has been overdue for a long time: all activated accounts have limited time rights to see my private area with the password they have received to the email when they get approved by me. The limit time is 1 month after the accounts will become back to inactive, as long as the user is not asking to get their account extended.

Users will lose access to my private area if they violate my terms, that includes my appointments and the misuse of the private media that is on my private section. Also, they will lose access if they unsubscribe from my newsletters. The process of de-activation is manual as well as approval. User's account will not be activated automatically once they sign up. They need to ask permission with the email they signed up on my website. According to what they ask and in which purposes, I will make the decision if I approve or reject the membership, however, the newsletters subscription will remain active as long as users are unsubscribing from them. The unsubscribing process is permanent and not reversible!

If your account will not be activated or it will be deactivated, your user data will remain in my database, including newsletter subscription. It will be not deleted unless you requesting to do so!

Please note that the purpose to change the member's policy is to gain better protection over my media files, as recently I had so many users that after having access to my medial files, I have never heard back from.

Since comments are moderated, they do not appear on the site until they have been approved. I am not responsible for the content posted by users. Comments must be on-topic and not abusive. Criticism is allowed. However, personal attacks against me will not be permitted, and any criticism should relate to the article in question. Do not post spam and affiliate links. Please do not ask for information about my services and/or my availability in the comments. I reserve the right not to approve your comment if I find it does not follow the good commenting practice.

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