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My travel plans for fall 2024

IMG 0379

I am announcing my travel plans for fall 2024. This fall, I am traveling to the following places at following dates:

  • Cologne, Germany 13.-15.09.2024
  • Cologne, Germany 10.-14.10.2024
  • Frankfurt am Main, Germany 23.-25.10.2024
  • Cologne, Germany 25.-31.10.2024
  • Brussels, Belgium 31.10.-04.11.2024
  • Cologne, Germany 12.-16.2024

Those are the initial travel plans for the fall in 2024. However, my travel plans may change at any time. You can keep the full track of my travel plans on my website. I update my travel plans as soon as they change.

As every year, I am planning to do my fall tour this year to Brussels, passing by Frankfurt and Cologne. Unfortunately, trip to Düsseldorf Germany will not take place this year like previous years.

Advance bookings for the upcoming trips are now open. Ask pricing directly from me!

I am looking forward to seeing you soon at the next destination.

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