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New policy for threesomes with another escort

Since ever when I started to offer my services for the full range type of client bookings, I have not cleared enough things when it comes to a threesome, involving another escort. My statement was: If the third person is not an escort, he will pay for the extra person, according to my pricing policy. Starting from August 2019, I have designated a new system that will explain how should be treated the third person, when he is an escort.

While I have met mostly individual clients one by one, I have also received time by time a booking requests where there are involved more people than one. So far, I had a threesome with one client when there was involved another non-escort and two times with the client where there was involved one escort.

Extra-person with the unknown escort is not any longer free of charge.

The reason why I need starting from today to change my pricing policy is simple. I have no longer desire to offer a free extra person rate for the escorts who are not my friends. The reason why I have no longer desire to provide the free person rate for the unknown escorts is the challenge.

Starting from August 2019, I will provide the free of charge extra person rate for only escorts who are known and are worked with me previously or they are my friends. Clients can still book me for a threesome with escorts, but not anymore for the free of charge unless they book known escort or friend of mine. In the past escorts were not subject for an extra-person fee.

Clients who book an escort and want to have a date for two or more people can choose if the escort pays according to my rate policy or all the costs will be passed on to the client. If the client is booking known escort or escort as a friend of mine, they are not obligated to pay the extra person rate.

Why I don't accept any longer unknown escorts?

My purpose is to provide the best services as possible. For that reason, I have to take more challenges if I meet an escort who is not known as my friend. Understanding that every escort is unique and have different policy and rules, it is sometimes challenging to adjust to it, especially if it comes that we were not discussed about such things before.

It is mandatory that escorts who are my friends, they know what to expect from me and in reverse. If that is the case I am unable to provide the best services as I can. So I cannot accept any longer unknown escorts for free of charge, and I have to treat them as a client.

What are the conditions to meet the requirements for working with me?

If you continuously want to have fun but also get paid for that, you need to follow specific requirements to qualify to work with me. The mutual respect here is essential, so we both need to adjust us accordingly what we are valuing. Here is the short brief of my expectations and requirements.

If you are interested in working together and offering the maximum quality of service to my clients, you are eligible to work with me with certain conditions. To have the best fun with the client and me, you MUST meet the following requirements to work with me:

  • You must respect my pricing policy. Even if that makes a difference from yours, you must respect it;
  • You must have a polite and respectful manner in any our conversation;
  • Your body must be hairless;
  • You should not wear vision glasses;
  • You must be qualified and trusted escort: either a) paying for the subscription, or b) having verified the status on your profile;
  • You must have at least one public photo on your profile;
  • You must be fit and in good shape;
  • Your penis size must be at least L;
  • You must speak in English at least at the B1 level;
  • You must have an escort profile or ad;
  • You must tolerate the protected sex policy;
  • If must be healthy and maintain it in the best possible way so you would not be infectious.

For the longer friendship you’ll be benefited, if:

  • You have good reviews on your profile;
  • You have worked in an agency;
  • You have experience with working as an escort before;
  • You have a good language speaking skill;
  • You are educated and smart;
  • You have the same hobbies as I do;
  • You are a good listener;
  • You have your own apartment;
  • Your position is TOP (active);
  • If you work with me, you don’t have to pay for my service rate and for clients they don’t have to pay for the extra person rate based on my rate policy.

If you work with me, you don’t have to pay for my service rate and for clients they don’t have to pay for the extra person rate based on my rate policy.

Unknown escorts for threesome are subject for the higher charge

In August 2019 I announce new rates for the extra persons when the extra person is an Escort:

  • Extra-person for the regular client will remain the same (+50% from the initial rate);
  • Extra-person for escort: +100% from the initial rate.

All these changes in my terms are effective as of 8/2019.

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