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OFFICIAL! My travel plans for 2019!

Everyone who has seen my ads knows already that I have some cities and countries every year where I plan to travel as an individual. So, its time to announce my travel plans for 2019.

2018 in summary: 7 destinations under my travel and many other client trips!

2018 was a fabulous year to me! I have visited quite many countries - a total of 7 states (EU countries) as an individual trip and many more as a client invited countries. So it has been quite lot of traveling! The next, the coming year 2019 has already planned, and now it's time to reveal it!

These are the countries and cities I'm planning to visit on the following times:

  1. Tel Aviv, Israel: 13.-19.05 (ESC 2019);
  2. Brussels, Belgium: 23.-26.05;
  3. Rome, Italy: 6.-9.06;
  4. Zürich, Switzerland: 13.-16.06;
  5. Dublin, Ireland: 20.-23.06;
  6. Paris, France: 27.-30.06;
  7. London, England: 4.-7.07;
  8. Amsterdam, Netherlands: 1.-4.08;
  9. Prague, Czech Republic: 5.-11.08;
  10. Copenhagen, Denmark: 13.-18.08;
  11. Manchester, England: 22.-25.08;
  12. Barcelona, Spain: 2.-8.09.

NB! There might come more cities in September 2019. Dates may change!

How do I determine my destinations for travel plan?

Its the question that some clients may wonder. The way I determine my destinations for the travel plan is much different each year — for example, my 2018. Travel plan was created my work schedule accordingly back home. So I was able to take off four days each month. For me, it was best to travel in the first half of the month, around the date 8th, because then I had my payout day from other work. That job is now ended, as I finished my contract due the moving to Berlin (about moving to Berlin I'll come back later in my next blog post).My travel plan for 2019 is created, following the major gay events in town. So the focus is an LGBT event, like for example pride events, carnivals and so on. As you see, most frequently I'm traveling during the summer (from June to August). Most of the dates below also describing the dates when for example, gay events are happening. For more detailed information, you may follow the travelgay.com website - https://www.travelgay.com/gay-pride-calendar-2018/. NB! Please note, that these dates (my travel plan dates) are not a true source to find the exact information about the gay events, as I modify my dates according to my possibilities and needs. So not all those dates are the dates where exactly something is going on. These are the dates where I am in town and available for clients to provide incall/outcall services.

What are my steps to create a travel plan?

As it is my second year since I started to create my travel plan, got inspired from the idea to "promote" myself in Europe. Its useful for me for two reasons: to see and explore new cities, learn new cultures and find an alternative in my life as well as meet new and different people and make some new friends around the world. So far I have been successful. Sometimes people are canceling the appointments which are frustrating, but I have learned to be more patient and understand that people from each country are bit different. It depends from which culture they come from.Now, back to the topic, how I create my travel plan? Well, there is not a particular algorithm for that. As I mentioned below, I'm creating my travel plan based on occasions. But the WAY I do that, have some simple rules. First, a few months ago I started already to think and wonder, to which cities I want to explore in 2019 as well as which cities I want to come back. I referred to my income, based on where I traveled in 2018. So far, Paris has been surprising me positively, although that I wasn't super excited about the entertainment what that city have offered to me. So I thought that why not to come back in 2019 and do little business there as well as exploring the city. In 2018 I have been in Paris, France total two times. One was my trip and the second was a client-invited outcall trip. Haven't you wondered how escorts like me, making their travel plans? Here is the detailed answer for that! I will explain it with the steps below:

  • 1. step: Getting destinations

The following 2019 travel destinations have chosen by two reasons: The main reason to explore the cities I haven't been yet OR the targets from 2018 that has given me a good influence on my business.

  • 2. step: Getting dates

Getting dates, are not always easy and maybe the most challenging part. Unlike choosing the cities can be quite easy as there are many places I want to visit again or haven't visited so far, to set the dates can be a real challenge. And that's for the many reasons, including my financial possibility, the conflict between events that occurs at the same time in different places and so on.

  • 3. step: Making it in a logical order

Once the destinations and dates are chosen, it's time to make them in a logical order! For that, we need first determine which event in the host city for 2019 happening first, which secondly, which third, and so on. So after ordering the dates in ascending order.

  • 4. step: Announcing it officially

The most exciting step can be probably to announce it publicly to everyone! After everything organized, it is time to announce it officially as I do it right now. But that's not the end, only wait and see what's going to happen now in the next steps!

  • 5. step: Setting up my financial plan and determining the rates, booking the travel including flights and accommodation

As well as getting the dates can be overwhelming, can be also bein in a financial budget, is sometimes hard especially if you need more privacy and excellent travel experience. So usually I start to make expenses two months in advance before the travel occurs. So basically if I have planned to come for example, to Tel Aviv in May, I already know my flight information and apartment address in March as I pay and book for them already in March! That doesn't mean, of course, that I'll tell such things to my clients in advance. Usually, I tell them such information one day before I have an appointment. Also, as well as I set up my financial plan by starting to save money and making travel expenses, I also determining my hourly rate in that city, based on the local economy and my travel expenses. That is one of my business secret, that I don't usually reveal to anyone. So the rates are not the same in every city and are based on my expenses and the local economy! You have still rights to ask how I calculate the local economy level.

  • 6. step: Making it happen!

As everything is settled up and I'm good to go, I'm ready to make it happen and meet local or clients from abroad! Just taking the appointment and meeting them. Simple.
That's how it looks at a glance. Feel free to leave comments below if you have more questions regarding my steps of creating a travel plan.

Rules for the individual trips are remaining same

A new year will bring me some updates about my pricing, but that's for later. The most important now is to remember that anything will not change about my rules for individual trips. Also that I have travel plan above, doesn't mean that I cannot take a client trips outside my country, as long as it doesn't happen at the same time while I have travel plans. In 2018 most clients came to my rented apartment or hotel. That will be strongly recommended for 2019 trips as well. If you need me to your home or apartment, you may pay additional fare accordingly my pricing terms.
Have fun in meeting me in 2019 and hope we'll see you soon in your city!

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