I am covering my second week of suspension: Attacks from the clients against to my private life, my colleagues who are facing the crisis due to the coronavirus pandemic, adjusting with the new routine, and lifting up the meetings with clients. This is my weekly recap, from April 10th to April 17th.

Attacks on escort platforms
Impressions from the last recap: This week, I got many positive feedbacks from the users who were reading my first weekly recap for April 3-10. Thank you for that motivation boost! However, there was one potential client who found that the quotation of his message in my article is illegal and should be reported. His concern was that “his confidentiality is harmed,” and therefore, it is unlawful by German law – he said.
"this escort posted confidential private msgs i sent him unedited in his online blog ... this is absolutely a no go!!! what about client confidentiality?! be aware, don‘t expect it from him!" he said in his public review on my profile before he sends me to claim. I asked my legal advisors to review the content. By the visual look, they detected no illegal content from this quotation.
First of all, the client who I quoted were remain anonymous in my article. And the purpose of the citation was not to harm or offend anyone. Also, the message was not included a transcript from our entire conversation. Therefore his message was quoted only by the part that was necessary to give an instructional example of clients who are writing to me asking physical services during the pandemic.
Notwithstanding that he represented himself being “lawyer,” I denied his claim as I have found no evidence of illegal content. Then he started threatening me, by intending to inform my parents and friends about my escort job as a token of revenge. He called me an “asshole.”
The reason why the complaint is mainly because “they don’t get what they want,”
It is not the first time I get threatenings from my potential clients. The reason why the main complaint is usually because “they don’t get what they want,” and then they start finding mistakes, often out of scope and far beyond the law. However, I am not saying that I don’t make mistakes. Still, most claims so far during my escort job were unreasonable and out of context. So I am used to that. And I have learned from the studies on how to interact with such users.
The Owner undertakes its utmost effort to ensure that the content provided on this Website infringes no applicable legal provisions or third-party rights. However, it may not always be possible to achieve such a result.
Statement on my website Terms of Use
In such cases, without prejudice to any legal prerogatives of Users to enforce their rights, Users are kindly asked to preferably report related complaints using the contact details provided in this document.
In other words: if a user finds illegal content on my website, he must contact, using the contact details in the document of Terms of Use. All my website content is controlled under these terms, and they rule over that. Sending me complaints on a third party app or website will not guarantee its process. Third-party terms of Use does not rule the content on my website.
Be aware that threatens can bring serious consequences: I take any threatenings very seriously against me, my friends, or family. And I ensure that users performing such activity will not leave without prosecution. Depending on the seriousness of the abuse, I reserve rights to take appropriate measures, in my sole discretion. For easier abuses, I may just warn the user. And in more serious abuse, sending the offense to the local law enforcement agency. I always take my best to first and utmost, follow the law, act appropriately, and respect people. And I expect the same in return from all those who are interacting with me.
Lifting up the meetings with clients
Special invitations to my clients: This week, I sent to my special clients who were used to book me lots of times before pandemic, a “surprise letter.” In this letter, I informed that I am lifting the restrictions of meeting me. However, the meetings can take place under some conditions.
I find that it is not objective and realistic that we should entirely abandon the meetings with our friends because of the pandemic.
Following the precautions, but being humane. While I believe that our safety is our top priority, we should remain objective and realistic. I believe that we should not entirely abandon our friends and family because of the pandemic. Especially knowing that in the optimistic scenario, scientists are estimated that crisis will be over by 2021, in worst cases, in 2022. It is not a real solution that we should distance from our friends for months up to years. The same thing I believe in my business with clients. Although I am still not offering physical services, my clients on Frequent or higher status can meet me like a friend. But again, as of a friend, not as of business commitment.
We all need support: Not only us, but our family, friends, and people who we care most are those who are needed for support in these difficult times. That doesn't mean that because of fear, we should distance from them for an undefined time. Social distancing causes not only stress but also contributes to mental damages, which may lead to constant stress or even worse – cause depression. At these hard times, we should support each other. But at the same following the precautions, by maintaining good hygienic standards, following the restrictions established by government authorities, and avoid too close contact.
I have always been there to support and encourage my special clients, especially during the pandemic. And I will be. My clients are not important only in a business aspect, but also in the long term aspect to develop good friendships even after I’m done escort job.
Business activity remains restricted: Among all that I have said before, business activity remains still restricted. Lifting the suspension from my escort services will not happen right now. And will not be expected to happen soon. Those who are not meeting the requirements cannot meet me as a friend at this time. Meetings can be possible for clients only at Frequent or higher level.
Clients who are meeting the conditions can schedule their meetings via the private calendar link or via WhatsApp/phone or any other social channel.
The three main principles for clients (and for my friends) meeting me as a friend:
- No long hugs, cuddles, and kisses;
- No escort services;
- If you come to my place, the self-hygiene principles stay the same as before: Make sure to always wash your hands and follow the precautions.
Continuing to provide services online
More opportunities: The decision to suspend my physical services temporarily give more ways and opportunities to interact with me using my online services. Last week as of ending broadcasting shows on the Flirt4Free platform, I restored my webcam and phone call service, but in a different form. It was difficult to find the proper solution for that because the services today, such as Zoom or other online meeting based services, do not allow nudity. Still, at the same time, it is the scope of my service. Therefore I had to go through difficult decisions and researches to find an appropriate solution. I have found potentially one platform that does not particularly mention that showing nudity is prohibited according to the Acceptance of Use. But I am aware that it can still endanger me.
The future of my online services after suspension. As beside of escort job I’m also a web developer, I could develop my own webcam solution for that, but it is time-consuming. And it may not be worth it in the long term. After the service suspension, I might have a question, depending on how long the crisis will last: whether to continue offering escort services or permanently suspend it. If the crisis lasts more than two or three years, which is unlikely but realistic, then in the worst case, I might announce a permanent suspension of my escort job. I hope it will not happen. But either way, whether it continues or not, my style is generally not sitting on the webcam. In both scenarios, I’ll most likely discontinue offering that service anyways. So I need a platform for that, which can fulfill my business needs, but at the same time comply with the user of acceptance policy. The possible candidate for that is right now gotomeeting.com. But I have not yet made my mind if I am particularly going to use that service. Meantime I do offer it flexibly, according to what is convenient to my client (whether it can be Skype, Whatsapp, or something else).
Payments for online services: Another headache for me is: How can I accept payments? With PayPal, I have announced a long ago that I do not accept payments there any longer. Bank transfers are time-consuming, and most instant payment methods do not allow them to receive payments from such activities. The process with finding the payment gateway processor who is responsible for the “high risk” businesses, is ongoing, and I cannot give the estimated time for that right now. So I am open to the ideas, and meanwhile, I still try to figure this out by myself. The idea to follow the Terms of Use is to protect my financial income and prevent any interruptions from the service, as it happened with PayPal in October 2019.
The overview of a private webcam show and phone talk service, you may find on my Live cam page.
I have made my personal record on posting to OnlyFans
My great achievements posting on OnlyFans so far: This week, I have made my personal record on posting the content to OnlyFans account! Since from Saturday, on April 11th, I posted till today as of April 17th, the content of my nudity almost every day! On Saturday, April 11th, I apologized for the video that I promised to post last Friday. Still, since Friday is now my weekly recap time until the escort services will restore, it takes me hours to prepare for it. And as of that, I was not able to post the promised video by Friday. So on Saturday, I posted a video of me shaving my legs, which was a fan requested video. Then as a bonus, I posted on Sunday another video of me jerking off a big load of cum. It was the most popular video of the week: gained a total of 6 likes so far. The new week I started with the video of eating. Initially, it was intended as a private video for a client. Still, since I thought its something unique and shows me also in a soft way, I published it for everyone. On Tuesday, April 14th, I posted a poll by asking whether they want to see me on video with a rude or sweet attitude. 9 of the total 12 respondents were answered that they want to see a sweet Rihard. 🙂
Luckily now, I am planning on each post mentioned before viewers will watch what that video contains. So users can decide what they expect to see before watching. This is especially useful in scenarios when users want to see particular things but not attracted to everything. In contrast, others want to watch the content that is not interesting to all fans.
On April 15th, I posted a video showing my ass. On the next day, I posted a photo of showing my big cumload. And today, on Friday, I posted again the video of me being fully naked and getting the shower. So a week on my OnlyFans was quite a bee!
Referral system and a special discount for new accounts. Last but not last to say that I was super active on my OnlyFans. I also released a new bonus system for my fans. Now each of my fans who are signing up a new account, using the special link that now is available on my website, can get from me a 20% discount for their first subscription. And that’s not all! These subscribers will be able to use the lifetime discount 10% for the extras if they use the special link to sign up for an account and keep their subscription.
The idea is that the user is signing up using my referral link, and each time he subscribes to someone, I get the commission. And as show my thanks and appreciation, these commissions will be rewarded to the fans with discounts I have mentioned. The discount link is https://onlyfans.com/?ref=18689114.

Now, a break from the news
My Easter weekend: My second weekend after suspension – the Eastern weekend went mainly without a special celebration. I was at home and doing my videos for OnlyFans. These days I’m mostly communicating with my friends over the phone. Still, now I am also planning to meet them occasionally in person. So during the Easter weekend, I was alone at home, having not many social interactions. But I got lots of Easter greetings from friends, which made my dark days a bit brighter. 🙂

Changes in my lifestyle: This week, I started with a new lifestyle, which involves more healthy and productive activities. I started again to eat normally on a daily bases. While I kept two days off for fasting, then now I quit the fasting and started again to eat every day. I am now also focussed on what I eat and most meals I cook at home. I found its actually quite enjoyable if it wouldn’t take too much time. But it's always reality when you live alone – everything you must do by yourself. I also started to learn German more intensively and train my brain by using special technology that is app-based.
Photo 16.04.20, 23 16 44 Photo 15.04.20, 23 10 04
Now I am focusing on going to bed from Sunday to Thursday every night at 23 o’clock. Then turn off distractions, and put my audio reader on, so I can focus on sleeping and less communication with others. Usually, when you are in bed, you have more time to think about everything. So do I. And in my case, it can be a tempting opportunity to take the time to chat with others. But even the first days were sometimes unsuccessful, I am still striving to get rid of that habit. The audiobooks are really working for me. Currently, I am listening to a book by Estonian writer Andrus Kivirähk. The book is called “Rehepapp,” and it's quite interesting.
Photo 17.04.20, 23 08 06 Photo 17.04.20, 23 07 33
I also restarted my workout plan. From Monday to Friday, three times every week, I go out for running. Right now I’m making easy tracks. So come, and join me if you want! As I’m doing right now, short tracks with the not fast pace, it should be suitable for even those friends or clients of friends who have not run a lot in their past years. Soon I plan to take more challenging workouts, so come and join before I take more extreme tracks! My purpose is to improve myself on a daily bases, and once I am again in use with the simple tracks, I can move forward to the challenging ones.
Need a new haircut: There is lots of discussion around people, making jokes about how they look before and after quarantine. I am about to become one of these monkeys. And it wouldn’t be actually so worse if I would have to hide completely from the social environment. But it's not possible. My clients still want to meet me, this beautiful cute Rihard, but now they have to see the monkey Rihard. I hope that the situation gets better soon so that I can actually look normal again. It isn’t so worse right now, but my hair could get quite long if I don’t have a haircut in the next coming month, due to the closure of barbershops.
However, two weeks ago, I posted on Facebook group announcements, if any, would be happy to lend a hand and help me to cut my hair. One of the Estonian couples living in Berlin wrote me back, by offering me a simple haircut. It was fine for me. Better to have simple, but a short haircut, than looking like a monkey. I am still considering of their help, but I am also looking forward to the barbershop reopening, as Germany plans to slowly reopen particular businesses, including barbershops.
Germany has been "extremely efficient": Where are people best protected from Covid-19? According to a new ranking, Germany is currently the second safest country in the world to be in during the coronavirus crisis, states on The Local online news.
As of resident in Germany, I am proudly touched. While Estonia isn’t far beyond on this scale – it occupies the position as of 31st safest countries in the world. By leaving behind countries like Poland, Ireland, and its neighbor Latvia.
My contribution to the new COVID app: Germany has developed the app called “Datenspende,” which monitors coronavirus spread.
The Robert Koch Institute (RKI) said it was launching an app called Corona Datenspende (Corona Data Donation) that would allow people to voluntarily and anonymously share information from their fitness trackers that could reveal signs of a Covid-19 infection.
I have downloaded the app and have started to use it, as being voluntarily part of this program. The app functioning method is simple: Only you need to do is to launch the app, give permission to your health data, and it's ready to go!
My tone of this week: The app which calls “Grammarly” has analyzed my tones from last week. Even though the app is quite useful for almost every situation, I mainly use it to form and construct my messages for my business needs. I consider myself not to be a noob in English, but sometimes a few grammar tips I found could be quite useful to know and improves my English too. English is not my native language, but I see improvements on my daily bases. In communication with friends, I’m not using that technology so much. Still, it is especially useful when you write long texts, such as this post.
By the way, did you know that I spent 6 hours today on composing (including writing text, reviewing it, attaching media files, and so on) my weekly recap for this week? Yes, that’s quite a lot of hours!
A strange day: Today, on Friday, I had a strange day. Literally, 5 people on my way to the elevator, startled me and in reverse. Then my neighboured ringed the bell and asked if I have the same problem with warm water as she did. She said that she had problems when she went to the shower, that the water went cold after running for a few minutes. I confirmed that I have no such issues at the moment, and if she needs, she can have a shower at my place. But she was fine and asked me to inform her if I will experience the same problem. We’ll see if I can have a shower tonight. 😉
And now, back to the news
My colleagues are facing hard times
Following my former schoolmates: The coronavirus pandemic hits everyone. Especially those who are affected in those “less needy business.” Or in a business where people are maintaining close contact. Even online services attract people during the pandemic even more than ever. Porn studios may have the golden era because of the high popularity of online services. My schoolmate, who is now doing porn in England, has confessed recently in his Twitter, that hard times have hit him as well. After he moved to England a few years ago, it seems managed a good income of doing porn.
Client support during the pandemic: Thanks to my clients and friends, who were helped me in these difficult times so that I can stay and live in Germany. I wouldn’t imagine what I would do if the decision to move to Germany was happening this year. While I think that support from friends and clients is not the long-term solution, it helps me definitely for some time. At the same time, I can find an appropriate solution to slowly recover my financial situation.
My Monday briefing with the client
"Out of business" meeting: The first “out of business” meeting with the client as a friend, took place on Monday. As my special clients can now schedule “out of business” friendship meetings with certain conditions, some of them are already planned ahead. The meeting was nice, and we had a great time. That meeting did not include escort services, but meeting as a friend was offering the pleasure for both of us. Although, I felt that he had little different opinion of my decision to not provide escort services. But it's okay, and I understand. I would probably be in the same situation, being tempted if there would be a piece of delicious cake on the table that I should not eat due to the diet. 😉 In the next coming days, I am looking forward to meeting my other wonderful friends from clients. For instance, this weekend is going to be busy with them!
A poll: Who needs more help?
Homeless people vs. people working in hospital: On Monday, April 13th, I launched a poll on my Twitter by asking opinions about the people who need more help today. 66.7% of the respondents were answered people in the hospital need more help. In comparison, 33.3% of respondents were answered that more support should deserve homeless people. These studies help me to learn what to focus on. And helps me to prioritize my focus on those who need the most help during the pandemic. I am planning to help those people anyways. Time is our gift and blessing. Doing good things while it is possible is the best approach to using our time wisely.
My availability on WhatsApp and emails during the service suspension
Response speed limited: During the temporary suspension of my escort services, my availability on WhatsApp and emails, is limited. You can still contact me on email or WhatsApp, but the answer may take a longer time than usual. Since I am now more focussed on my online services, I recommend using them. The best and fastest way of approaching me during the pandemic is to contact me through the OnlyFans platform.
Urgent messages and messages from special clients get answered faster. At the moment to getting answers to emails or WhatsApp messages that are not urgent, may take up to one week. Right now, I answer only to the urgent messages or messages sent by my special clients from Frequent or higher level.
No meetings for new clients: Other people on WhatsApp and external websites are still asking me if I can meet them. I remind you that physical services are yet not possible. So meeting in a business manner no mater of consequences, is not and will not be possible until the suspension is over until I announce the corresponding notice of that. People who are not my special clients and sending me booking requests or asking me to meet during the service suspension will get answered last. It is already written everywhere on my website and ads that physical services are not possible.
No nude photo policy: Also, I am not sending nude photos over WhatsApp. The reason that I replaced my WhatsApp communication rules with the notice of service suspension does not mean that you can now spam me with asking nude photos. My OnlyFans is the platform for everyone curious to see my nude content.
That’s it for this briefing and the weekly recap. See you in the next weekly recap on April 24th. Have a nice weekend!