I am covering my third week of suspension: The crisis affects my online services, moving forward with the tax declaration, and clients lack to obey my rules. This is my weekly recap, from April 17th to April 24th.

COVID-19 impact on my online services
Safety first: While my escort services are suspended due to the pandemic, I continue offering my online services. The online services allow me to build and strengthen the relationship with clients who cannot book me for the physical service. Of course, it is no substitute for the real date, but as we all have to now think about our health and health of others, we must ensure that safety is the most essential key right now.
Expectations from my online services: Although, in fact, that I have been more active in providing online services than ever before, some of the key events are still concerning my subscribers on OnlyFans. This week I have been requested to publish the video of me being top. But I also posted the video of showing myself from the camera and making little strip show. While it can be entertaining for some of my subscribers, the others have complained that they expect more to see videos of me being in action with someone together. Since when I launched my OnlyFans (in January), I did post some of those videos. But lately, I have to admit that it was not possible any longer.
having fun with someone and showing to my fans is due to the crisis, very difficult and, in some cases, even impossible.
My statement on April 23: I apologized for all my fans, by announcing the critical update regarding the COVID-19 impact to my content. In my statement, I said that having fun with someone and showing to my fans is due to the crisis, very difficult and, in some cases, even impossible. Finding a partner for the video has always been difficult. However, I have done this while the crisis did not begin yet. But because people are encouraged to stay at home and restrictions set by the Government authorities, it makes it very difficult to find the partner to have fun with. And especially now, when the situation is out of my hands. I understand the concern of my fans, but I hope they understand me as well. It is not because I don’t want to make it, but because I cannot make it now, considering the situation. My fans can still subscribe to my channel and enjoy the videos of me. Yet, right now, I am unable to give a timeline on when I can publish again videos of me having fun with other boys.
Wrong signal to my clients: On the other hand, I think it is not ethical to publish such videos. At the same time, my physical services are suspended anyways. It would be a wrong signal to clients who would want to meet me as an escort boy.
What's new on my OnlyFans channel this week
Keeping fans engaged: This week launched a poll for my fans, asking about their fetishes, turnons, and fantasies. The question was about their deepest sexual fantasy. Now I plan to publish more such polls, asking the questions from my fans, to know which content I should post next, so it can be tailored according to the needs of my fans. I launched the poll this week on Thursday and the final results I reveal in my next week's recap.
Featured content of this week: The featured content this week is my strip show front of the mirror, taking slowly off my jogging pants and showing my dick as well as ass. If you want to see it, please consider subscribing, as there will be more videos coming up in the following days. Also, you can enjoy already uploaded content, such as my stories, photos, and videos that are already available on my OnlyFans repositories. All the content I have uploaded past now, and in the future, I will not delete it. So it is accessible at any time.
How subscriptions helps me to keep my OnlyFans account going
The concept: Every donation, whether it is a simple subscription, tips on posts, fundraising, or private video requests, helps me to feel motivated. Starting from May, I also plan to launch fundraising, which I am going to explain to you in my next weekly recap. The idea is that more subscriptions help me to keep awesome content. I always try to do everything I can to post the content exactly what my fans want to see. The purpose of my account is to offer more dedicated online services, and not only during the crisis. While on my website, I upload only some of the videos and photos that believe are the best for marketing. But these contents are not available for everyone, and the idea for that marketing is to catch attention for potential bookers. But since it is not possible right now, the only way to see me naked is to subscribe to my OnlyFans. Or alternatively, you can also schedule the webcam shows and private phone talks.
These hard times are especially a great way for my clients and friends to show me some support by using my online services such as OnlyFans.
The purpose of donations: You can assure me that I’ll be delighted to see your donation. The money you support goes for the right purpose. I have always been using money wisely. When I had it more, I supported the homeless animals in shelters (December 2019). And I have helped those who are needed for food in good times. These hard times are especially a great way for my clients and friends to show me some support by using my online services such as OnlyFans. It is not only the donation, but it is also something you’ll be benefited. My subscription starts only from $7.50 per month. As you see, it is not so much, but it helps me a lot!
Moving forward with the documentation
Getting finally my tax number: On the bright side, this week has been quite productive in my legal situation. Although, in fact, I started with the escort business one year ago, I received only this week the documentation regarding my tax number. We, escorts, are allowed to do business in condition, that we pay taxes from our income. And it does not apply only to escort business, but any legalized business we commit. I applied for the tax number already in January, but there were some issues regarding the documentation process. The shortage situation in the tax office has also led to longer processing time, said my tax advisor to me this week. The purpose of getting the tax id was not to receive financial support but the idea to start declaring my income from 2019. As you see, in January, the crisis was not hit Germany. And the situation was stable. No one would imagine that it will become a global pandemic.
Learning through experiences: To be more precise and punctual, I should have applied for the tax id already in 2019 when I started to do escort business. However, it was not happening due to the unconsciousness of the rules and processings. It is my very first experience being “self-employed.” Living in a country where I am not familiar with all the terms, does not make things easy. However, now as I have done with small steps towards the important goals, it helps me to run my business more legally than before. Also, it is a step for the government to recognize my business that is suffering in a financial crisis. But more steps towards to recover my financial situation will be taken and not only getting help from the state but also get employed. At the same time, I’m unable to continue offering physical services.
Now, a break from the news
Staying in touch with the people who have played an important role in my life: This week, I came to an idea to write to my teacher and ex-boss back in Estonia. Before moving to Berlin one year ago, I was working at the hotel. I worked there at reception and sealed with lots of tourists. It was a memorable time in my life because I got to know so many different nations and cultures. Learning from people has always been a great inspiration for me. But I also miss my colleagues from former times. I am happy to be an escort, but sometimes I miss things that the escort business cannot replace. For instance, to go work in the morning, and greet my colleagues, ask them how the day was. And were the guests nice today? We sometimes made a friend jokes about customers who were complaining about something obvious. In the escort business, we can make such jokes only when we meet other people who are working as an escort too, but often it does not happen. Because we in the escort business meet each other very rarely and most of the cases, it happens when we have corporate meetings to discuss generally our job. Most of us working independently and when we are busy, we don't have time even to our friends, not to mention, to have time to meet then each other.
back before the pandemic, clients made my day even brighter!
Challenges in other veils: However, learning new cultures and meeting different is still possible! And back before the pandemic, clients made my day even brighter! Now I can only look back and recall the good times I had back when I worked as a companion. But it is also time to look back more beyond, back to the time when I did my studies and worked at the hotel. Sometimes I really miss these times. So having the inspiration to get in touch with my teacher and the former boss was a perfect idea! My teacher wrote to me how the schools in Estonia are now closed and how difficult it is for students to adjust their studies with the online courses. At the same time, my boss said that she was never getting in used with the situation that no one is at the hotel. She said that normally at this time, hotels are full of crowd. I worked in one of the biggest hotels in Tallinn, where there are more than 500 rooms in one building. But now, she said, that it looks like a “ghost castle” – literally no traffic at all. I encouraged her to stay strong by saying that challenges in our life help us to become stronger than ever. And every challenge in our life is for a good purpose, even if we may not notice it. It is paranoia to say that the current challenges are for us as a blessing. Still, if we think more deeply, we understand that it helps us to become more united and supportive of each other. Perhaps it helps us to notice those who need the help most (such as homeless people or people who have difficulties or otherwise suffering from their life during the normal time).
My tone of the week: Informative. This week's top tone in my business language is “Informative.” But I have also used lots of times the formal and appreciative tone. I don’t think that I like to be formal in my everyday life. But the cases of the week were probably mostly because I have announced some important things, and Grammarly has translated them as a formal way of the express. Still, whenever I announce something important, I make it “official.” I have to admit that sometimes I may sound formal. Mainly because of my desire to become a lawyer an influence of that. 😉
Doing the video call with my parents: This week, I had a great opportunity to do the first time a video call with my mother. While is miss my parents a lot and it is not possible to meet them in person, I felt delighted to talk with them on a video call. I showed my mother my home, and I saw her after a long time, which brought me lots of happiness. I use to call them now two times every week - on Monday and Thursday, instead of only once a week.
And now, back to the news
Obeying my restrictions during the service suspension
I am still there for my clients: Last weekend I met two of my important clients. The meeting was organized the way that does not include escort services. Being a friend with my current clients feel so much different. Probably they feel different seeing me as a friend too. In previous weeks I announced that clients who were booked me a lot back when it was possible can now meet me as a friend, just like we meet our other friends. It is for the purpose to show that I am still there and I am there for them even in difficult times. The fact that I do not offer escort services does not mean that now I don’t care about the people who had brought great support for me in times when it was possible. But on the other hand, it is important to keep and maintain the rules that I have established to clients during the service suspension and meeting as a friend. And it is important to obey the rules because only in this way I can assure that meeting is still safe both to me as well as to my client.
Opportunity, not requirement: Besides, I have not asked clients to meet me as a requirement. It is not a requirement, it is an opportunity. However, almost all my current clients on level Frequent client status and higher, have used that opportunity. Even the fact that meeting as a friend does not bring me money (because I am not expecting it), it has brought me delightful moments. I have had to learn these times more about my clients, but at the same time, we have put ourselves in a trial.
There were situations where I have been tempted with money offers and manipulated with the principles of being at risk anyways.
Clients tempting me to not obey the rules: Not every client of mine has resisted the temptations, unfortunately. So far, I have seen negotiations in my rules, even that I have strictly prohibited to tempt me. There were situations where I have been tempted with money offers and manipulated with the principles of being at risk anyways. And that’s because of the hope that maybe I can soften my rules.
Having limits to my services is not because of punishing my clients but protect them and my health. I remind everyone that meeting me is a free will but under some conditions. If clients feel that they may not resist the temptations, it is better to not meet me.
Tips and suggestions of what to do with me while physical services are not possible
Overcoming with the temptations: So what to do when you feel tempted? With the following, I give you some tips and suggestions on what to do with me while we meet as a friend. You can follow these tips at any time, even when you don’t feel tempted.
- Go for a walk. Going to the walk with the sunny and warm weather like now is a perfect activity to do together. There is plenty of nice spots where to go, sit, and enjoy the sunny and warm spring.
- Watch the movies. Watching movies can be a perfect activity during the evening when outside is getting dark and cold.
- Playing board games. Playing board games is not my favorite activity. Still, when the weather is rainy and windy or cold, it can be a good replacement for going to walk. Despite that I am not a big fan of playing board games, I have some games I really enjoy. I can teach them to you!
- Going fo jogging: If you feel like you want to do some sporty activities and your physical condition is allowing for that, we can go for a run! It is not only the perfect activity for good weather. It gets the fresh air, but it helps also strengthen our health and our body to get fit for the upcoming summer.
- Cooking together: Cooking alone isn’t much fun, but together it is! Some people say that cooking together is a very romantic activity. Still, it is also the perfect activity to get to know each other better and helps to keep away temptations.
These activities can also be practiced with social distance. We don’t have to be too close to each other to do things together. Plus, avoiding too close contact helps you to reduce the temptations.
Communication during the suspension
Strict limits in communication: My communication with clients during the physical service suspension remains limited. This means that email communication, as well as communication via my WhatsApp number, stays limited. I still respond to emails and WhatsApp messages, but with the delay in response speed. It is important to keep in mind that the response speed also depends on the purpose of the message. Response to the clients on regular status will probably be the same as for everyone else on that status. And the response is that I am not providing my physical services at the moment.
Offers that will be refused: Any messages to meet me for escort services will be refused, as I remind you that my escort services are still suspended. So no meetings. If you have questions about my pricing and you are wondering to meet me in the future, then all that information you may find on my website. But I will not answer those questions in my messages, as I don’t want to give a wrong signal to my potential bookers. And the same principle I also apply to the messages on external websites. For my special clients, I have developed my own way of how you can reach me out. For some of those, I have also given my personal number, so I know that they reach me out only for reasonable consequences. And all my special clients they already know the current situation of my escort services.
That’s it for this briefing and the weekly recap. This was the last recap for this month. See you in the next weekly recap on May 1st. Have a nice weekend!