I am covering my fifth week of suspension: My birthday week, debates on when the escort services become available again, and my statement during the crisis. This is my weekly recap, from May 1st to May 8th, and this weekly recap is dedicated to my birthday, which was on May 5th.

Happy birthday to me!
Celebrating my 23rd birthday: This week, on Tuesday, I celebrated my 23rd birthday. Well, it was not really a celebration with a party in a traditional way, but I observed it emotionally. It was a time once again to remind me how many friends and clients I have around me who have remembered me with the birthday greeting on this beautiful day of my life. Even that most of the people were not physically next to me, they were made this day pretty for me. Reminding that no matter what the situation is and how far they are, they are there for me. Thank you for everyone who has been in part of that emotional celebration and wished me all the best for my birthday.
Inspiration message, dedicated to my birthday: On May 5th, on my birthday day, I reminded my former clients, my current clients, and possibly my future clients with a short, but thoughtful inspiration message:
I am genuinely thankful to all of you who have made a memory with me at my age of 22. No matter when you will be your first booking or next booking, your time that you trust in me, or in all the way around, is a time that we cannot ever bring back, but we can repeat it. So let us make another beautiful memory in my age 23. Book your fantasy whenever the situation allows for us! Let's make another great year of my life even more sexy, memorable, and unforgettable.
Thank you for being with me.

My birthday week during the pandemic
Different than other years: This week was different than most of the weeks. The fact that the weather is getting so beautiful, and it is difficult to concentrate on the home routine activities, I have still managed to make some things done. But mostly I have postponed this week some movements for the upcoming week. So I would be able to allow some distractions, for instance, birthday meetings and greetings, celebrate it with my best friends and clients. On the day of my birthday, I did not meet anyone. It was a special day for me just for myself, as this year, it did not come as expected. It was my first year when I was in Berlin for my birthday. Of course, it was a bit sad that I cannot be with my family in that exceptional week, but hopefully, there is something good behind on it. For instance, when it would be possible again to travel to Estonia and see them, the happiness and excitement after a long time break would be indescribable.
Life in purpose: It was 23 years ago from now since I came to this earth. I even knew the time I born! It was 01:15 at night. I hope that so far in my life, all in these years and a short time of escorting, I have changed many people's life by smiling, bringing happiness and pleasant moments. And I am striving to do so in the future, whenever it is appropriate and possible. Hopefully, after the suspension from escort services, I can have another chance to prove how beautiful life is. And not only because of having a gorgeous boy next to you, but having the boy who especially touches your heart. Life is not just a moment, but life is time to take all these moments with you and keep them entire your life. The good moments help not only feel well physically but also emotionally. And emotional well-being is everlasting, so good times in your life can happen with the great people and from the small things. Those moments can no-one takes away from you.
This week I had a beautiful day with a client who brought me to Potsdam to see the beautiful nature and relaxed atmosphere. It was a lovely day of getting a bit out of my home walls.

More photos and videos from my birthday you can find on my OnlyFans and Twitter.
Germany losing the restrictions slowly and its impact on my escort services
Latest coronavirus news in Germany: Merkel announced how the country would further ease lockdown and contact restrictions. In her announcement with state leaders on Wednesday, May 6th, she said that "very first phase of the pandemic is behind us." The fact that many businesses will or have been re-opened after a long break, many of us may have questions, when do we can work again as an escort? This week I was participating in the Twitter debate, discussing with my other colleagues about when they plan to loosen the restrictions of providing the services for clients. Regina in Barcelona on Twitter asked: "When are you thinking of accepting personal appointments again? Of course, not during the state of alarm, but when this is over, you will return as soon as possible or wait for more weeks/months?" Even the fact that it was subjected to Spanish providers, it was still engaging in seeing their reactions and answers. And as the topic is now relevant for everyone, the questions would be most of us the same – when?
Debating on Twitter: Some of the providers answered to a firm date, but many of them were unsure. To put the consideration of when it would be possible again, it can be tough to answer. Even the fact that Germany is doing quite reasonable compared with most other countries, the reason why we cannot open our businesses yet is because of the risk. In my recap from last week, I mentioned the conditions on how the strategy of slowly getting back to normality in the escort business would look like. And which steps and conditions must be fulfilled to be able to offer physical escort services again.

traveling must be possible again, brothels must be open, and nightclubs must be functioning again. If three conditions have met the requirements, my escort services can be possible to bring back.
No good news yet: Every service provider can decide their own when it is the best time to offer services again. Besides, that government must give a green line for us to be able to bring escort services back, some additional conditions must be filled. In addition to meet requirements as discussed last week. And these further requirements are besides permit from the government, that traveling must be possible again, brothels must be open, and nightclubs must be functioning again. If three conditions have met the requirements, my escort services can be possible to bring back. It is still unsure how long it will take, so I cannot give the firm timeline yet. But clients may experience awareness of the fact that this summer escort services may not be possible to receive from me.

A week in my online services
Goal accomplished: In my weekly recap from last week, I announced that the week on my OnlyFans went modestly. My promise to post new content last weekend was accomplished, and I posted another great video of being in action with someone. The video was about having fun on Grindr's date. We filmed about half an hour of hot fun, and it is now available as a preview and full video only to my OnlyFans subscribers. The fifth week in suspension with my online services has accomplished, and now it is time to think for another week of great content.

Made a birthday gift for myself: This week, I finally received my dildo, which I am going to play with on my further videos. Usually, playing with the dildos is not the same as "playing with real dicks," however, I'll make it still fun. At the same time, there is not much possibility to meet people during the pandemic. It is definitely a hard time for porn studios and video publishers. One of the managers from the porn studio called Chris Bär who wanted to hire me to their models mentioned recently in his Twitter, that even he cannot shoot this month cause of corona.
Fan-centered activity: As well as other producers, I strive continuously to publish the best content. Feedbacks and suggestions from my fans have an essential meaning and value for me. The strategy of how I post content is yet fan centered activity. Which means, in other and simple words, that I post the content that my fans want to see. It is essential, as it keeps people engaged,
Poll on Twitter: On my Twitter, I published a poll this week, asking people the reason why they are not subscribed or not intending to enroll or re-subscribe. I have seen in past weeks that the subscription trends are going down and up. So far, people were answered that they cannot afford it, or they are simply not interested in it.
Birthday discounts and promotions: During my birthday week, all my online services (including OnlyFans subscriptions) are 50% off. The discount promotion is valid only till the end of this week, which is on Sunday, May 10th. So if you have not yet subscribed, do it now, as there will not be any such discounted promotions for a more extended period after the birthday week. My first promotion during the physical service suspension was the beginning of April, where I offered a 30% discount for new subscriptions, as a welcome discount. The second wave of discount I launched this week on Monday, and that will be last for a while. As I have mentioned already, the discount also applies to my other online services, which currently flirt phone service as well as private cam show.
More polls on OnlyFans: Last week, I announced voting by asking from my OnlyFans subscribers about their fetishes in terms of clothing and outfit. Most fans (50%) were answered that sportswear (socks, jocks, and so on) turns them on. For some fans, the turn-on is also the formal dress, old school, and specific underwear.

This week I launched another poll, asking about what is the most attractive thing for them (which can also be defined as a fetish). The options are either outfit, smile, eyes, haircut/hairstyle, attitude/behavior, legs, abs, arms, or underwear. The full results of that poll will be revealed in my next weekly recap.
The fundraising project on OnlyFans: As I have announced in my last week recap, I started with a new monthly fundraising project. So far, it seems the project cannot accept donations, as I have heard from my fans that contributions cannot be made for the uncertain consequences. Some of them were experiencing some technical glitches, which I am going to investigate in the next coming weeks. So I cannot give any updates right now. If some of you are experiencing the same problem, please let me know. More detailed feedback gives me a more durable support case I can raise regarding this.

Now, a break from the news
After the haircut Before the haircut
New haircut: As the barbershops are now open in Berlin, I finally got rid of the "monkey status." I received the new hair after a long three months from the last hairdresser appointment. So how do I look before and after the haircut? Find out below!
My tone of the week: Optimistic. This week I was more optimistic in my writing style, as the latest report says. I have proven that I also was more forceful and joyful, but less formal, informative, and surprisingly less friendly. Find out the latest report below.

And now, back to the news
The first month of suspension: My clients and how they are getting adjusted with the current situation
Expectations: The first month since suspension has brought many different emotions from my clients. I have allowed my clients to meet me as a friend only during the service suspension. As there would not be able to offer substantial services at the moment anyway. I just don't want them to leave the impression that during the difficult times, I have completely forgotten and keep wanting to isolate from them. For that reason, everyone who has booked me and achieved the special client status before the suspension can now optionally meet me. If they believe that it will not harm their health in any way. Almost all of my particular clients have used that opportunity. But meeting me as a friend has not always brought the best results. I have seen so far that all those who have had a chance and met me during the crisis have not expected experience fully. Regardless that I have warned about restrictions, I have made to distance and separate our meeting from escort services to able to maintain the safety standards and precautions.
Arguments: Some of my clients have thought that being a friend can still cause the same risk as being offering escort services, which is partially true. And for that reason, they have brought the argument like I should little sneak away from the rules and secretly offer escort services. Then others tempted to maintain close contact with me even after all that I have said in my conditions and terms of meeting as a friend. Some of them were unsure about how the rules are applying to my individual clients, and they were a bit disappointed by the results they were expecting. But as of today, the good news is that most of my clients I meet today as a friend have now adjusted with the full restrictions, and they can handle me as a friend. I have also strengthened my strictness and gently reminded them to not sit close to me, so the purpose of safety would still remain in effect.
Some of my clients have thought that being a friend can still cause the same risk as being offering escort services, which is partially true. And for that reason, they have brought the argument like I should little sneak away from the rules and secretly offer escort services.
Killing the feelings: I feel that even after all that I have repeatedly said about my restrictions and conditions, I feel like I am soul murder inside me. I don't want to punish none of the clients by restricting escort services, but I try to be reasonable and fair. The escort job is like being a little bit of murder because I brake my client's heart, not by allowing myself to be touched. It's like really seeing something tasty, and you are hungry, but you cannot have it. I feel sorry for that. I hope that the situation will be over soon. As long as I would be able to get back to my escort job, my clients can take most of our meetings and have all the benefits they missing now from me. It is difficult not only for my clients but also for me. I feel that way because I know how precious is the moment when they can have me not only on their eyes but also in their hands. I thank you so much for the patient and resisting temptations, and I hope that as we move forward back to normality, we can enjoy the best parts of our date again.
The escort job is like being a little bit of murder because I brake my client's heart, not by allowing myself to be touched. It's like really seeing something tasty, and you are hungry, but you cannot have it.
My statement during the COVID-19 pandemic: I encourage to be reliable, united, and supportive
Concerned in risks: Many are thinking that the coronavirus should rule our relationship with close friends, relatives, and those we love and care most. People are getting too afraid of meeting with others. I just wanted to take time to explain what that does mean to abandon our friends and those we love and care during the COVID-19 pandemic. Let me explain.
My message: The time we face now is not the time to hide, but fight and stand for those who need that. We fight today to save lives, not because we want to put their lives in danger, but because to support them, to help them, and if needed, to save their life. And for me, this time means more than not just fear and cautions. It is time to not leave behind each other. It is not time to abandon each other. It is the time to be united, be more robust, and fight for those we love most, whether it is your best friend, your neighbor, or someone in the street.
Remember, none of our lives are more valuable Thant one another. We fight for them because our goal in this life is not to live only for ourselves, but live for a better life, for the better world. Good times are not coming without survivors. How much the people lives who are today who are fighting in hospitals to save lives are less worthy than yours? Let us open the eyes and never say: "I cannot do that because it is too risky." Live, without harming others. Don't be unreasonable and irresponsible. The risk with your life where it is needed and avoid risks where it is not necessary. Meet people who need your support, but don't do stupid activities that will cause unreasonable risks to you and for others. Only do things in your life for a useful purpose, and you will never die of knowing that you have done nothing.
That’s it for this briefing and the weekly recap. See you in the next weekly recap on May 15th. Have a nice weekend!