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My Christmas 2024 Campaign Grand draw winner announced

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This year, I ran my Christmas campaign again—this marks the third year in a row that I’ve done this in December! The Christmas Campaign ran from December 1st to 24th, 2024, and each day participants had the chance to win exciting rewards. Every door in my Advent Calendar revealed a new daily surprise for users.

Everyone who participated for at least one day had a chance to win a €1,000 booking credit for bookings in 2025 at the end of the campaign. The more days users participated, the greater their chances of winning. The winner was selected through a random number generator, with a lucky number assigned to each participant at the end of the campaign. These lucky numbers were sent out personally via email to inform participants about their chance to win.

And the winner is... 🥁

On December 25th, 2024, the random generator selected one lucky number from 73 participants. The winner, who will be announced in this video, was chosen at random. The winner for this year was one of my returning clients, who books me often. He have participated in this campaign total of 12 times (in 12 doors). Are you curious if it was you? Find out by watching the video below to see how the winner was selected. Alternatively, if you’d prefer to go directly to the winning number, just click on the link at the end of the article.

This year, the number of participants was impressive—more than last year! A total of 73 participants joined, including 15 unique participants. Unfortunately, 2 participants were disqualified for not following the fair-play policy. During the campaign, I was able to donate a total of €66 from the rewards. Most active days: 4, 5, 12, 19 & 23. Less active days: 2, 7, 8, 10, 11, 13, 15, 18 & 21. I want to thank everyone who took part in this amazing journey.

If you want to skip the video, visit the link for direct results:


Congratulations to the lucky winner!

More info and feedback to my Campaign: https://yourtwinklover.de/christmas2024

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