“Rihard is that he is clear and sincere about the services he is willing to offer” – Mike. Loading the content.. Please wait.

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My extra services for 2024 are updated

Whether you like role-play, you have particular fetishes, or you want to see what is "allowed or not" on our dates, the updated list for 2024 is now available.

I updated my list of the services that clients can request from me during our dates. Some services are "included," while others are available at extra cost. Although anything on the list as "included" is not promised - it can be requested as part of the activities during our dates, and everything that happens between us depends on mutual chemistry and affection.

Due to safety reasons, I do not show this list publicly to anonymous visitors. It can be requested directly from me or via email on my Rate (pricing) page under the "extras" tab. The list is updated annually, and the unique link sent to you via email or given directly from me will expire when the list is updated to keep the old references away and show users only the most up-to-date information.

If you are interested in seeing what "I can do" and what is not possible on our dates, then head to the Rates page and click on the tab "Extras" (see the image below).

Updated Extras Rihard 2024
Since comments are moderated, they do not appear on the site until they have been approved. I am not responsible for the content posted by users. Comments must be on-topic and not abusive. Criticism is allowed. However, personal attacks against me will not be permitted, and any criticism should relate to the article in question. Do not post spam and affiliate links. Please do not ask for information about my services and/or my availability in the comments. I reserve the right not to approve your comment if I find it does not follow the good commenting practice.

1 thought on “My extra services for 2024 are updated”

  1. I think it’s nice that you respond so much to the customers’ wishes – I’ve never met an escort who values ​​the well-being of his guests so much – I’m happy about every minute we spend


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