It has been one year since I have not worked as an escort. Well, to be more precise, back in September and October 2020, there was a short time when I offered physical services to my clients. However, it was really short. And to be honest, I got no bookings and a chance to make the most out of it due to the over-restrictive rules and measures put in place by the Government. Unfortunately, in November 2020, the Government decided again suddenly ban businesses like mine due to the concerns of new rapid rising infections.
Having said that, I had not met new clients since April 2020, when I officially suspended my physical services. The decision was not easy. Back then, it was rather voluntary than mandatory because the Government did not clearly define if my businesses would be allowed to operate or not. Because of the rising infections, I’ve decided that continuing working as an escort and taking in-person meetings cannot be safe for my clients and me. Even though I had the opportunity to work legally regardless of the situation. There was also an economic reason behind it, even though if that sounds odd. But yes, it was economically not reasonable, because the number of new bookings has dropped significantly, which means that week by week I had less and less money. If I would continue to work beyond, I would most likely be not entitled to the financial help by the Government as seen as a working habitat. However, the situation was already so bad that there was no other option left in my hand than to seek help from the Government.
Now looking back to the pandemic year, I can make some conclusions about what I learned. I would like to share them also with you. I hope that potentially you find from my article useful and inspiring facts that may also apply to your work if you do an escort job.

Moving to Berlin one year before the pandemic saved me
Anyways, getting to the point and revealing the conclusions, I admit that I wouldn’t probably survive if I would not move to Berlin much earlier before the pandemic (in the year 2019). Living already one year in Germany gave me a solid and steady basement, which I have built my life, which helped me survive the pandemic so far. Yes, I am still here, in Berlin, even without working as an escort. Sounds crazy, uh?
Most of you probably wondering how it could be possible? What am I doing? It must be a really tough time for me, right? Well, the answer is short. I am not trying to be paranoiac, but I tell you the truth – the answer is that I am doing actually better than ever. Even that I do not have a good income as before! And I mean it. It has been never better time in my life than now – during the pandemic. Except, I miss a bit the work and, most importantly – my valuable clients who were booking me before the pandemic. And those who were intending to meet me during and after the pandemic. But I will explain how I managed to live a “better life” when there is a lockdown and everything messed up.
Fortunately, I am now entitled to the business support established for those whose businesses suffer because of the lockdown because I paid taxes. And this support isn’t small.
First of all, like I said before, living one year in Berlin before the pandemic gave me lots of good things to getting started well. It may seem crazy, but from the beginning of the escort journey in Germany, I wanted everything to be in order, correct, and most of all, legal. For instance, without paying taxes from my income, surviving the pandemic financially would be a big headache. Fortunately, I am now entitled to the business support established for those whose businesses suffer because of the lockdown because I paid taxes. And this support isn’t small. I imagine if I did not pay taxes, I would get nothing. Everything would go wrong.
Also, I finished my registration, opened the bank, found the apartment, and some clients for whom I can rely today. It gave me a significant advantage. I managed to lower even my rent because of the client who works in the law office and is a big fan. Like some other clients who help me in different ways (i.e., with the German language, etc.), he is my best friend. It shows that my initial strategy of the meetings really works. I have developed with my existing clients an excellent, steady, and strong connection. When it comes to the business, my clients have always been treated as humans, not objects. Even though it is business, they are for me more than just tools for the money. And because of this, I have managed to get to know “high-quality clients” who contribute to a lifelong friendship and something more meaningful. As they know and trust me, they can be more open like I can be with them. I have learned that good clients can be as good friends, and they are because the business does not have to end friendship!
I’ve learned that there is no better time than now to improve yourself and think about further along, while I cannot work as an escort.
Being productive and and building career
Now that the pandemic is going longer than expected and I am “jobless” with no stable income, I receive the money from Government. In addition, I also started learning German intensively with the real classes and improving my web development skills in programming school. These are all the benefits I receive now free because I am jobless. In other words, Government pays for them. I’ve learned that there is no better time than now to improve yourself and think about further along, while I cannot work as an escort. We do not know when the pandemic ends. Understanding that I cannot work as an escort forever (due to the aging process), I have to think about what I want to do after making this journey. Of course, it is already apparent to me what I want to do. So yes, right now is the time I can learn and develop myself professionally while also receiving support. It is difficult for me to predict when I can return to my “normal,” regular in-person meetings.
So the time now is best in my life than ever before. I was initially skeptical, but it looks like someone is watching over me.
There is no better time than now
So the time now is best in my life than ever before. I was initially skeptical, but it looks like someone is watching over me. 😉 For those seeking advice on what to do and are in a similar situation in terms of work, I would suggest starting thinking and asking yourself: What do I want to do? What Do I want to achieve in the following years? And then start doing it. Yes, it might sound so easy, but you really have to act – there is no other way. The best is to learn something and specialize in it.
Alternatives during the lockdown
While I improve myself for career and develop myself professionally, there have been many things happening in this pandemic year since I suspended my physical services. Even though it is so weird to think now how it would feel to be back in an escort job when the pandemic is over, I have, however, not forgot my clients! I’ve tried to find ways how to entertain them during the pandemic in a safe way. Like my friend said to me once, you need to be more flexible and adapted in challenging times. Pandemic taught me to open myself the way I would not otherwise. And gave me some inspiration. For instance, back before the pandemic started, I never thought about opening OnlyFans, or selling my items in my online shop. These ideas came during the pandemic to provide alternatives. Of course, it required me to be creative and unique – standing out from the crowd. I would probably never do things as I do now during the pandemic (making live shows, selling videos online, selling my used underwear or socks). Looking at the numbers, I admit it really works. Of course, it is not comparable with the income I got back when I was escorting, but it gives me at least something extra, plus little fun also to my clients, to keep them engaged. The most important for me is to keep my clients engaged so that we do not forget each other and perhaps see us again when the situation allows so.
Today, one year ago: On April 4, 2020, I suspended my physical services due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Crazy, but true: It has been now one year not escorting. I have not met any new clients since April 4, 2020 and almost can't imagine what it feels to get back to work. 😱 pic.twitter.com/oig2Kej9SN
— Rihard 4You 🔥💎 (@yourtwinklover) April 3, 2021
So the question would be asked probably by many of you, what alternatives I offer during the lockdown and how do I entertain my clients while there are no possibilities to meet in person?
Yeah, this question has been asked by me occasionally. I have created some ways of how I can offer services remotely. Of course, they are not substituting for any real in-person meetings. But understanding the current circumstances, they are better than nothing. There are several ways listed below.
Pandemic taught me to open myself the way I would not otherwise. And gave me some inspiration.
Weekly recap
The first three months after the suspension of the physical services, I started to keep updated my clients with the weekly recaps posted on my escort blog. The pandemic came suddenly and was a shock for everyone. No one expected that something causing massive lockdowns and business closures can now be something we used to live within our everyday lives. We now know how to get in use with the pandemic and handle it. The closure of businesses, for instance, does not make our life that big mess like it did one year ago. We know better what to expect in the following weeks.
In my weekly recap, I concluded each week of the extraordinary situation, hoping that the situation escalates soon. However, it did not, and we live now with the pandemic for more than a year! After three months, I’ve decided to stop publishing the weekly recap. It is time-consuming, and I got more used to living with the pandemic, so there was not much to publish. My life gets quite like “normal,” so there was no point in writing about it as I did not write about my life on my escort blog before the pandemic. The weekly recaps gave me a short but not long-lasting idea to replace it with a monthly recap. However, that did not happen as well. So I’ve decided to make something else instead.

Twitter retweet campaign
To keep my fans and clients more engaged and give them some stimulus, I got a brand new idea of how to achieve it. I created a Twitter retweet campaign which did not run long, unfortunately. The retweet campaign was intended to run three times a week – Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. However – the game and prizes were not very attractive to my audience. However, I got lots of retweets, but very few were interested in spin the awards. So I decided shortly to stop the campaign. It was running for about one month. I am yet unsure if I will continue with this in the future.

My OnlyFans channel was established in January 2020, shortly before the pandemic. It has grown more popular as the pandemic started and people were more engaged with online activities. In the last year of the pandemic, I have improved the services and announced new features for my OnlyFans channel available exclusively to my subscribers. I’ve started, for instance, to produce monthly live shows that are still running today. Subscribers can vote for their favorite and convenient time the live show takes place on the most voted date. I also set the goal to post on my OnlyFans at least twice a week – one video and one photo or photo gallery. The one change that disturbed my subscribers was the announcement earlier in summer 2020 that I do not post any longer the duo videos (the videos having fun with a partner). Duo videos were now a feature for OnlyFans subscribers to purchase separately. However, the good news is that I decided to lower the subscription price by more than 70%! This price change is not effective, and I do not plan to increase it as of now. I also redesigned my OnlyFans promotion banner with the new services and features to make it look more exclusive and professional.

Fan Shop
In November 2020, I re-opened my freshly designed official online shop where clients and fans can buy my used clothes and new items. I also sell my videos and custom services, like video and phone calls and client-requested custom videos. It has been a long process to make it possible to launch my own shop, but it was worth the time and patience. It made a long and painful process, primarily because of the agreement with banks and particular circumstances that cause prolonged re-openings. I was shutting down my previous online shop in July 2020 and moved it to a brand new domain. The new shop is more user-friendly, modern, faster, reliable, and with more products and a wide range of payment methods. Thanks for the hard work and time that I had during the pandemic.

Live shows and phone talks
Online fun has become now more popular than ever before. I have created the possibilities which clients can use while they cannot see me in real life. Among other mentioned options, they can also have with me one-by-one live shows and real phone calls. Some of them have already been using it, and it was pretty fun! While monthly OnlyFans shows cannot give you the privacy you may be needed, private one-by-one live shows and phone calls give a more personalized experience tailored just for your needs! These services can be ordered directly in my Fan Shop, and the payment is made the way you pay for other items in my shop.

To conclude this blog post, the year was, despite the craziness, quite busy and productive for me. Lockdown and suspending escort services has not given more time, but rather a time to invest more for the future and get more productive. When comparing the time during the escort work and now, then I definitely have less time now. I have kept myself busy while also entertaining my clients in many ways.
What's next?
On May 5, I celebrate my 24th of birthday! Well, I mean not really celebrating it but it will be time with lots of surprises, especially for clients. I plan to announce some perks and birthday bonuses that I keep secret till the time gets closer. Follow me on Twitter @yourtwinklover to get the news of my birthday perks and bonuses when the time is getting closer!
I also keep continuing with my current study programs and constantly create new content for my OnlyFans and Fan Shop. I do continue offering online services like video calls and custom videos, just like before.
Unfortunately, my escort services remain suspended and will be resumed with further notice when the situation allows. Like I said before, I keep closely monitoring the current situation and will let everyone know when there are updates. The best way to keep in touch with me is on my Twitter @yourtwinklover or on my website, yourtwinklover.de.
I am looking forward to lifting the suspension and get back to the escort job as soon as the situation allows me to do that!
On April 4, 2020, I suspended my physical services. Unfortunately, on March 31, 2020, I announced the sad news that I discontinue offering physical services, starting from April 4 midnight until further notice. Earlier I announced a couple of restrictions on my services. However, the pandemic hit all of us so hard that it was impossible to continue offering in-person meetings. Shortly after service suspension, I deactivated some features on my website and disabled ads on escort websites where it was possible. I started to produce weekly recaps and focus on offering alternative services such as webcam shows and phone calls. I was able to return to my escort services for a short time in September and October. Still, the Government made the rules under which condition it would be allowed to meet clients. Such rules were too restrictive and also not normal, so there were significant concerns over them. This prevented me from receiving bookings made as of April 30, 2021, one year since I have not met new clients. The decision to suspend physical services back then did not come easy, but having safety in mind, was necessary. It was not possible later anyways, because the ban from Government came on that industry too.